Chapter 17

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Song: Trouble by Coldplay

"20 minutes left everyone," Mr. Wynn gives me a sly smirk like he knows I'll fail.

I admit AP Calculus is not my best subject. The only reason I'm even in this class is because my parents pick my schedule every year. I've been taking AP courses since I was a sophomore. I don't know why they kept putting me in them. I've always been an average student at best. Minnie, on the other hand, is always top of her class.

"Pencils down everyone and pass your tests to the front. To the seniors, I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors." He turns his attention solely to me, "May you always be on time and prepared for whatever life throws your way."

The whole class laughs and even I can't help but giggle. I definitely didn't ace the test but I think I did just well enough to pass. Probably to Mr. Wynn's relief. I seriously doubt he wants to see me again next year.

Since it's the last week of school, our days are cut short. Seniors get out a week earlier than everyone else and today is my last official day of high school. I'm still waiting on word from Princeton and Chicago. Mrs. Hinton keeps saying any day now.

I head to the cafeteria for my last lunch with Loli and Raven as high schoolers. Juniper has become a new addition to our lunch table since Ross' faux memorial. I desperately want to tell them that Ross is alive. Despite their behavior these past weeks, I know they were starting to get close to him. At least now that people think he's dead, they've stopped giving me the cold shoulder. Well, most people anyway. There's been some nasty rumors going around that I killed him or that he was killed trying to protect me. That's the thing, people will always think more fondly of a person once they're dead, no matter what they thought of them alive.

I show up a little late and see them all sitting around the table smiling. I join them and Raven begins the same sentimental routine she's been going on about for a week now.

"What if we never see each other again?"

"We will," I try to reassure her, though it's half-hearted.

"I'm going to be in New York. Loli is going to be here and you might be moving to Chicago. I know this is selfish but I kind of hope you go to Princeton so we'll only be an hour and a half away from each other."

I just smile, hoping the exact opposite.

"Either way, at least you get to leave this place. I'll be stuck here forever," Loli says glumly.

"I thought you were happy to go to community college." I say.

"I make the best of it because I know my parents can't afford to send me to a university for all four years."

"You didn't get any scholarships?" Raven asks.


"How is that possible? Aren't you top of our class?" I ask.

"I applied to a few state colleges but they all said they were 'concerned about my immigration status'." She air quotes.

"You've been here almost five years," I add.

"I know but my parents aren't citizens yet. We've been trying but we keep getting stalled. As soon as we fill out all the paperwork and pay the fees, our lawyer tells us some new policy change and we have to start all over again. It's really expensive and my parents can't afford to pay for that plus my college tuition."

I can't think of a person that deserves to go to a university more. She studies more than she breathes. She's even this year's valedictorian. I think of how messed up it is that someone like me has the chance to get into Princeton with average grades but whose parents are legacies, and someone like Loli who puts in the work can't even get into a state college.

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