Chapter 8

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Songs: Gorgeous by X Ambassadors, I'm Not Famous byAJR

My eyes can hardly handle the intrusion of light from every corner. Flashing sign after flashing sign of ads for musicals, TV shows, perfumes and things I've never heard of before. People pass by so fast I can hardly keep track of Ross, let alone my surroundings. Cars honk, people yell and music plays. My eye catches sight of red stairs in the middle of the road and I immediately run for them feeling overwhelmed. Ross comes running up to me as I try to process the sights around me.

"Are you okay?" He says rubbing my shoulder.

"I hate to say it, but my parents were right, it's very loud here."

"You get used to it." He reassures me. He takes a deep breath in as if he's inhaling all the sights, noises and smells. He smiles like he's seeing an old friend again. I stop looking at all the things overwhelming me and look at how happy he is. It's infectious.

I take my own deep breath and tell myself to pull it together. This day is about Ross. "What should we do first?"

"I'm starving and I think we should get some food in you before you pass out."

I nod in agreement.

"There's this deli I know of close by. I think you'll like it." He gives me another coy smile and I begin to worry. The last time I saw this smile he proposed we go to New York. I'm hoping this "close by deli" is still in the state.

We walk a couple blocks and a few times Ross has to grab my hand not to lose track of me. For some reason I can't keep my head at eye level. I've never seen buildings this tall. They practically block out the whole sky. Granted, they don't have the same charm as the buildings in Grove. They're mostly tan or grey-colored cement. Some look like they're made from a metallic material. There's a break in the skyline and amongst the sea of buildings stand two taller than any of the rest. They're completely identical-looking and make the other buildings look like Legos. I stare in amazement and realize how small I actually am.

Everyone else seems completely unfazed by their surroundings. People walk with their heads down or completely zoned out. Most look annoyed, like they're in a rush. I can't imagine ever getting bored with this view. Several times I bump into people because of how tightly-packed the sidewalks are. I think they might yell at me, but they brush me off, literally, and keep moving. Even when we have the right-of-way, taxis plow through crosswalks. In fact, there are so many taxis it's hard to believe anybody drives a regular car here. Suddenly I'm reminded of Raven and her color wheels. If New York had a color wheel it would be grey and yellow.

We walk a few more streets with Ross' hand tightly grasping mine. We arrive at a diner that I wouldn't have even noticed if Ross hadn't pulled me inside. Carnegie Deli. Inside is bustling with waiters and diners. To the left is a counter perched on top of a cold case that's filled with sandwiches and cakes. The hostess escorts us away from the counter to a table where we're seated with five complete strangers.

"Don't they have a table for two?" I whisper, not trying to offend our tablemates.

Ross smiles, "No, they eat family style here."

I look around and see everyone eating elbow-to-elbow with people they've never met before. No wonder my parents hate New York. I can hear my mother's voice echoing in my ear about the impropriety of dining with strangers. How unsafe and rude it would seem to her, to have someone random ask her to pass a napkin.

"We can split the pastrami sandwich." Ross says without even looking at the menu.

I take offense that he thinks I can't finish my own sandwich. He must take notice because he follows up with, "Trust me, you can't eat one of these by yourself."

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