Chapter 11

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Song: Harvest Moon by Neil Young

It's been three days and no word from Ross since our trip to New York. I've looked for him on campus and even snuck out of my house to look for him at play rehearsals. No one else has seen or heard from him in days either. I begin to fear the worst. My mind has compiled all of the worst scenarios imaginable. As soon as I get to death, I quickly drag myself back unable to stand the thought. Ross will come back eventually. I take refuge in the thought that maybe he finally called the cops on his dad and got taken to a better home. I wish he would call or write so I know he's okay. Though my mother detests it, I keep wearing the "Cabaret" shirt every day. I want to keep our promise for Ross' first day back at school.

My mother has decided to push off dress shopping no longer. There is exactly one week left before the day of the fundraiser, and of course the pageant. I want to tell her Raven is already making me a dress but she's mad enough about the shirt. I figure I can always bring both and wear whichever I like more.

"What is that?" I ask my mother who is carrying a dress in a clothes cover.

"It's a surprise." She doesn't look at me but bites her lip fighting a smile.

We're four dresses in and already I have shopper's fatigue. I can't remember a time I wasn't shopping for pageant dresses. To make matters worse, my mother carefully examines every dress. She makes sure to note every wrinkle and imperfection.

"This is a beautiful color on you." My mother holds up a purple chiffon dress with way too much tulle.

"It's so poufy and way too long. How am I supposed to walk in this thing?" I ask, holding the dress up to the length of my body.

"That's what heels are for. They will lift you a couple inches and the dress will fit perfectly.

"Can't I wear something like this?" I go over to a navy blue dress that is made from satin, very elegant and simple.

"Sure, why don't we just forfeit the pageant right now? Candice is having her dress custom made by an award winning designer from Paris. You need something that's going to make you stand out. Also, we should be looking at prom dresses because that's coming up."

I look away and pretend to sort through dresses. "Actually, I don't think I'm going to prom."

As if I can hear the brakes screeching in her brain, she turns around fuming. "What? You didn't go last year because you said prom was a 'senior thing' and now you don't want to go at all. Is this because you don't have a date? I'm sure Tom Piedmont would love to take you," She elbows me and I nearly hurl.

"It's not because I don't have a date. I just don't want to go." Although not having a date is another reason not to go.

"Well if you just want to go with friends that's fine but you're going."

"What if I..." I begin.

"Out of the question. You're going." She laughs a little hysterically.

The truth is, I didn't go last year because my parents were too consumed with Minnie that they forgot to go dress shopping for me. I tried to make them feel better by saying I didn't want to go. This year I really just don't want to go. I don't have a date, the girls and I are in a weird place, and I still can't get ahold of Ross. I want to spend my senior prom in my pajamas.

I don't make any further protests about prom and my mother orders me to wait in the dressing room while she scours for more options. I've been trying on dresses for three hours and there isn't a single one I would be excited to wear. Wells' Shop for Evening Attire is the only store in town that sells formal dresses. Mrs. Wells is in her seventies and dresses formally to absolutely everything. She mostly wears monotone pantsuits or the occasional tan skirt with black pantyhose. She's also Mrs. Hinton's mom. The one who hates celebrating Hanukkah. Judging by the green colored carpet and the white foam pillars, the shop hasn't been updated since the '70s. It's a small store with only a few dressing rooms and a tiny desk in front of the entrance. The two bay windows facing the street provide no privacy from people passing by. Trying on a dress is a community affair in Grove.

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