Shall I start writing again?

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If anyone here has made it this far through and you happen to see this message, I have a question for you.

Shall I start writing again?

It has been almost six years since I wrote this fanfiction, and I must admit that time has moved on swifty. I no longer have the stress of school to slow me down, just parenthood now.

I believe that this story reached its end, however, I cannot remember how it went so I will have to read it myself to find out. I haven't written anything since this fiction, I have not even logged into Wattpad.

So, please, if you think I can still write something worth reading, tell me.

Thank you.

I feel so alone.

Yes, I have my daughter. She is the best thing that could have ever happened to me, I would never take that back. Every day I love her a little more. But outside of her, my life feels empty. Looking back on this writing takes me back to a time where, despite being full of anguish and sadness, there was a girl in my life whom I miss so very dearly.

I shan't say your name, but if you're reading this, you'll know that these words are meant for you.

Thank you, my love. You kept me going in my darkest times. Even though we were both kids, you have always been, and will always be, the wisest person I have ever met. With a heart of gold and enough love to save me from myself.

I miss you.

I am unsure of why we stopped speaking, maybe I'll never know. It makes my heart ache to remember all of the good times, knowing that it is likely there will be no more. Despite this, I believe you are happy, or at least I hope so. Never did I think that it was possible for someone on the opposite end of the earth could touch my heart the way that you did. I wish my daughter could grow up knowing you. I'll tell her all about you, of course.

I love you, I always will.

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