"Guest? On Building Game?"

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Aurey POV

What in the world?? Did he just favorited, retweeted and commented on tweet of mine? I didn't even mention him in tweet. I looked to my screen with confusion. I finally thought about reading the comment. It says "Heh. Happy to see other youtube fellas liking these series :) ". 

OK. He knows me, even follows(now I looked in my list and saw it, but I wasn't following him). 

ok ok. I need to respond somehow. I write "I heard Boo watching something, asked her what it was. She says Mianite. I looked it up. I was #hooked" Hahah I am so smart

He responded in 5 seconds: "This is how we work >:)" I couldn't keep myself and laughed loudly(yeah he is pretty smart)


After I recorded two Sims 4 Legacy videos I wrote to SethBling on Skype.

"Hi! When will we record Building game today?

"When our guest will join the skype chat!"

Guest? On Mindcrack Building Game? It has to be Seth's friend.

"Who is that misterious friend?" I asked curiuosly.

"I think you already know him. You were chatting with him today's morning on Twitter. Afterwards I texted him and he said that it would be great that he could join"

 I couldn't wait until he finished so I wrote fastly:
"Seth, you asked Chad to join? He is not a guest. We talked about it, he is one of us now"

"Haha Erin. Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about"

"I am sorry? I don't really understand... :/" I wrote. Curiosity was too strong now.

"Oh really?"He wrote sarcastically."Then you'll see in 10 minutes. He said that he wanted to make his content more interesting so he collaborated with us. You know, support from bigger channel than ours is always good, but now it's exactly what we need"

Seth is bussines man. He cares about his subs but he cares about money too.

"Stop bananasing me and tell me who is he!" I wrote furiously.

"Ech. Just go to your skype "Building Shenanigans" group and you'll see.

Why can't he tell me. What is wrong with him?

I turned on Building Shenanigans Skype group, where I located all the contacts of Building Game memebers. In moment, I saw new name.


I should have known.

I smiled to myself and went to grab some tea.

My Skype was still turned on.

In screen you could see the name really easily.

Jordan Maron


I hope you liked this chapter My fanfiction won't be like" they met - they in love- they ;) - the end"
My story is slower, I hope it's pleasant to read.
Again! Sorry for the grammar, I do my best!

Rating and a comment would be gnarbuckle :P

Thank you for reading <3

~ Can I be your Boo?~ - An AureySparklez fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now