Chapter 38 - The Linden Tree

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It was a little after five o’clock in the evening as Dr. Samantha Trace walked the curving paths of the Luce Laboratories campus. The streak of sunny days had come to a halt. The sky was overcast and everything seemed kind of washed out and gray.

She had been anxious about her son all day, but something inside her had flipped. Samantha had a renewed excitement about spending time with her son. Maybe she would surprise him with dinner out that evening. The zoo was open late that night so maybe cheeseburgers and a visit to the giraffes.

Samantha walked into the greenhouse. “Hi. I’m here for Ollie. Is he ready to go?”

Xander Luce turned on his heel. “Samantha, so good to see you. I’m so sorry, but you missed him.”

Samantha was caught speechless. She’d asked Luce to tell Ollie to wait for her. Her son was only ten years old. Where could he be?

Seeing the look on Samantha’s face, Xander continued, “It’s my fault I’m afraid. I forgot to mention your request to him, and then by the time I’d remembered, he’d already left for his usual afternoon constitutional.” Xander smiled gently. “I’m sure you’ll find him at home by the time you get there. I’m so sorry for screwing up. I feel terrible.”

Samantha saw the regret in her boss’ eyes and swallowed her anger. “It’s okay. You’re not a babysitter. And you’ve already been so generous with your time with him this summer. I think you’ve been a good influence on him. I’m grateful.”

“Of course. Ollie is a talented young man. It’s my pleasure.” Xander said.

“If it’s okay, I’m gonna go find him now.”

“Of course. Of course. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help.” Luce smiled.


“It’s gonna be okay.” Julie Jordan told the three sad faces plopped down on the couch.

Julie’s reassurances went unanswered.

“You guys must be exhausted. I’m gonna make you a great dinner. Zach you don’t even need to get any ingredients. I’ve got everything covered.” Jay tried to cheer up the kids.

Still no response.

“How about you guys just sit there and don’t say anything. We’ll tell you when dinner is ready.” Jay smiled but found no takers for his jokiness.

Jay and Julie retired to the kitchen. Zach, Binny, and Cassie sat on the couch. The TV was on but the sound was off. They weren’t paying attention anyway. Cassie had fallen asleep curled up in the corner.

Zach’s phone buzzed. Zach reached for it, read the message and his face got suddenly animated. He shoved the phone in front of Binny so she could read the message. Binny’s eyes grew wide as she read.

Zach walked into the kitchen while Binny tried to wake Cassie. “Dad?”

“Dinner will be ready in a half hour. Just sit tight and we’ll get you guys feeling better. It’s taco night!”

Zach smiled and worked up his courage. “Would you be okay if we skipped dinner?”

“What?” Julie put a hand on Zach’s shoulder.

“No taco night?” Jay made a sad face.

Zach took a breath. “We want to go out and look for Rembrandt some more.”

“Honey. You guys are exhausted. Take a break. You’ve already done everything you can. Cassie’s asleep on the couch.” Julie counseled.

“I’m awake!” Cassie wandered into the kitchen with Binny behind her.

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