LIES - Chapter 22

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Jack Johnson POV                                                                                                                                                       -------------------------

I've stayed with Nash and Cam for a couple days now. Or more. I can't even tell anymore. Nothing matters. I don't feel anything. I feel so empty, like a cave almost. I haven't cried for about a day or so. But it'll come back. I havn't eaten a whole lot. I try to not eat at all or eat very little. I don't see it's importance to me right now. Nothing matters.... It used to. 

I go on social media. But it's just about Jack and Madison. So I don't bother much. All of my mentions are only two things. Either something about how me and Jack should get back together, Or  how heis better off without me. I agree though. Apart of me want's to go and get him back, But the other half just ........ Doesn't.

Cameron and Nash try and get me out of the house as much as they can. They don't want me stuffed in' a depressing room.' as they call it. And their probably right. The room is dark because of the black curtens hung on the two windows. And the dim bed side table lamp. 

It wasn't like that before though. This room is where memorys where made. But now I look back on those memorys and regret them. Because it's all just a lie. None of it was reall. I still don't understand. But that's okay. You don't have to understand every mystery in the universe. Some things are ment to be a secret.

Later I'm supposed to go out on a walk with Cash. I agreed to save myself a lecture about how I shouldn't stay home.


I get up and get dresses in some black sweats, A white tee shirt and a flannel. And my black Vans.

I go into the living room and waite for  the two love birds.

They come out of their room and head out.

We go into the city and it's so busy and alot more loud then my room at the apartment.

We walk down the busy streets going into shops every so often. I buy a couple shirts here and there.

As we walk down the side walk santa monica Blvrd.  I look in the distance in front of us.

I can see that famous brown hair and my eyes travel down to see his face  and his eyes lock with mine I don't know what to do. He's with her too. Holding hands. 

She's smiling and whispers something to him. And he's just staring at me in the eye. Cam and Nash see him too but just act natural. 

As we continue walking , and we get closer and closer to the couple I get more and more nervous I don't know why though. 

As he passes us he has this look of regret on his face. He just covers it up with a glare.

It's horrible to see that you're best friend and lover just passes you on the street like your a piece of trash. It's qiute upsetting.

We get home and sit on the couch talking about mindless pop star drama.

I go on my laptop and go on twitter. I scroll thru stuff favoriting tweets and stuff like that.

I see a poparatzie picture for  a magazine and it reads :

' famous Vine star Jack Gilinsky out and about with girlfriend Madison Beer.'

I see the picture and it's of them kissing. I slam my computer shut as I feel angry tears fall down my cheecks.

" What's wrong Jack?" Cameron asks me as he sits next to me on the couch.

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