LIES - chapter 20

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Jack Johnson POV

I wake up with his arms around me. I take a moment to take in his scent and I turned around to see him sleeping.

I smile to myself and kiss him lightly. His eyes flutter open and he smiles back at me.
"Good morning babe. " he speaks so softly to me and I blush. I can't help it. He just makes me feel amazing. I hope it never ends.
*skips 2 weeks*
I was at home and Jack was out getting us smoothies. He's been gone for a while , he usually never takes this long.

So I go on my phone to pass the time. I scroll threw instagram. After a while i get bored so I go on Twitter. Right as I open up the app there's a Tweet from a fan with a picture attached to it.

I open it and see , Jack with Madison.

I feel tears start to fall down my cheecks. I feel so betrayed. Why would he do sometihng like this? He was there! He saw what she did! She called us both fags! What the hell! He's my boyfriend , He doesn't have to lie to me. I can barely describe how hurt I am. I feel like he was just lieing so he could get to her. Maybe my dream wasn't just my imagination.

Maybe it's real.

Jack Gilinsky POV

I told JJ I was going to get us some smoothies , and left our house about half an hour ago. I wasn't just getting us smoothies , I was going to meet Madison there. She told me she wanted to apologise.

I get to the shop and take a seat and waite for her. I see her walk in and I stand up to give her a hug. We exchange hello's and sit down. 

"So...." I try to start off.

"I am really sorry for treating you like that Jack. And JJ to. I just was in shock I geuss from the news and stuff. I was in the wrong , again I'm very , very sorry for tweeting out that picture. Not allowing you , to anounce it yourselves." She says like she means it.

I don't know why but I kind of believe her. 

"It's alright I geuss ..... Jack really doesn't like the 'F' word that much so it really hit him hard. I was shocked that you would do something like that , but yeah I understand that you where shocked and everything." I say putting my hand on hers and giving her a smile.

After we talk with the fan , Mads insists' that we go to her house for a bit, to catch up.

I tell her thank you , but I need to go back to see my Blue eyed baby boy.

I take her with me because she says she 'wants to tell him sorry in person'.

I pull up to the house and let her in. I tell her to sit on the couch and wait for me to get JJ.

I jog up the stairs wanting to hurry and get him.

I walk in to see Jack on his phone with red puffy eyes.

"JJ babe whats wrong?" I ask very worried.

"YOU!" He yells at me and throws his phone to me and I catch it. It's a picture of me and Mads together at the smoothie shop.

"Jack she wanted to apologise. I let her talk. She was really sorry for what she did and said it was out of shock." I tell him as I hug him.

"Besides , I'm not straight remember?"I tell him smiling.

He looks up at me and smiles as I whipe away a tear.

"C'mon she's downstairs and wants to say sorry in person JJ." We get up and walk down stairs Jack stops when he gets to the end of it and waites for me.

Jack Johnson POV                                                                                                                                                   -----------------------------------------------------

I'm only doing this for Jack. I don't really think she's sorry. She's a lieing hoe. She would never be sorry.

He grabs my hand and walks me to the two chairs infront of the couch I sit in one and he sits in the other and holds my hand.

"Hi, Jack. I came here to tell you that I'm really sorry. I never ment to come between you two. I would never want that. You guys are like my OTP. I shouldn't have called you guys Fags and I'm sorry for that too. I was just in shock and didn't know what I was doing." she says with a sincere look on her face it makes it seem like she's being honest.

I'm not giving her anymore chances. This is her last one and if it hapens again , She's gone for good.

"I forgive you Madison." I say giving a slight smile.

her face brightens up and she smiles.

Jack walks her to the door and says he's giving her a ride.

"I'm going to talk to Jack for a minute okay?" She tells Jack as he walks out of the door.

He says 'okay' and starts his car.

She turns around so we're face to face and she has the most evil glare on her face. I look at her confused and that's when she speaks.

"Listen you little Fag , You and Jack will never be a thing as long as I'm around. I've got him wrapped around my pretty little finger." She says holding up her pointer finger.

" Jack is only with you because he feels bad. He never liked you. And never will. You're so pathetic Jack it's honestly really sad."

She hears Jack call her and she just smiles evily at me. 

"Goodbye JJ." She says and struts out of the door closing it behind her.

I run up stairs and start rummaging threw all of my clothes and throw them in a duffle bag. I grab my phone charger and put it in there also. I run downstairs and Write a note-

' Here you go Jack.... It's what you both wanted

love (or don't),

Jack Johnson.''

 I sign the note and run out of the door sitting on the side walk and I pull out my phone and call Cameron.

After the third ring he picks up-"Hello?"

"H-Hey C-cam?" I say crying.

"Oh! Jack whats wrong?" He asks sinsere.

"C-can you come get me from my house?" I ask him

"Yeah be there in 10."


So , what do you think will happen between Jack and Madison? Or him and JackJ for that matter?

Don't forget to vote and leave a comment telling me what you think.!! 

I love y'all!!

(P.s when I saw the video of Jack and Madison I screamed. Like no. I don't ship it.)

~ Meghan <3

LIES // JolinskyWhere stories live. Discover now