LIES - Chapter 15

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Jack Gilinsky POV

After having dinner with my parents I go up stairs to my room to think over everything thats happend lately. I fell like such a horrible person for not remembering , that Jack kid but I just can't.

I know thers something there but I-I can't really put my finger on it.

I walk into my room and take a look around. It feels like its been forever sense I've been in here.

I see 2 pictures on my bedside table that I don't remember having there.

It was me and a little boy. Blue eyes. Blonde hair. And man that little smile! He was adorable. But who is he?

I look at the other one and its from 8'th grade. That year sucked! i remember getting bullied that year. I look and Again a blue eyed boy with blonde hair and a breathe taking smile. Who is that? it looks like the kid from the hospital.

I place the picture down along side the other one , And lay on my bed staring at the cieling.

I try and try, and try again but nothing comes up. 

I remember my friend's Nate and Sam I went to school with and stuff like that but I don't remember alot of other stuff.

I geuss it will just have to waite.

Nate Maloley POV

"What do you think is going to happen skate?"

Sam ask's me, as we eat our dinner.

"Honestly? I'm not sure. I mean how could Jack not remember someone so close to him and someone that meant so much to him. Like he was never even there. I don't know what I'd do if you didn't remember me Sam."

I glance up at him and start to tear up and then he grasps onto my hand rubbing circles on my hand with his thumb.

"Babe, I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen.  It does seem horrible that he doesn't remember but I bet we could do something to rejog his memory."

He says calmly but gets more excited towards the end of the sentance.

"YEAH!" I yell a little to loud.

"Hey guys, Whats up?" JJ asks us shuffling  into the kitchen.

He looks horrible.his hair was sticking up in every direction he looked as if he litterally cried a river. Ever sense he got to me and sams house he would just go to  sleep. and cry. alot.

"Are you okay JJ? You don't look very well." I say standing up and walking over to him.

"Y-yeah I'm fine. Just kinda hungry.." He says yawning a little.

He hadn't eaten hardly anything when he was at the hospital with Jack. It really worried everyone.

"Okay well we don't have much sense we just moved in. But how about some cereal?" I ask him and he nods.

I get him cereal and then me and Sam walk to the living room glanceing at JJ every once in a while. He only took a couple bites but a couple was better then nothing I geuss.

"I'm really worried about him nate." Sam whispers to me as we whatch some overrated t.v show.

"I know. He isn't in the best shape. This whole thing has taken a tole on our little JJ." I say to him looking at JJ who has almost fel asleep at the table.

He gets up and walks to the living room simply saying "Thank you guys. For letting me stay here. It means alot."

"No problem." I tell him then he goes down the hallway to his room.

LIES // JolinskyWhere stories live. Discover now