LIES - chapter 6

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Jack Gilinsky POV

I woke up this morning with a killer headache. 

That club was amazing last night!

I don't remember like half of it though. 

I turn over on my side exxpecting to see my JJ. But I see....


Jack Johnson POV

I woke up to the sun in my eyes and winced at the sight. I get up to walk to the bathroom, And suddenly all the memorys of what happened last night comes flooding back. 

I burst out in tears. I never thought he would do that. Or Tay for that matter.

I glance up at the mirror instantly regreting it. I looked absolutely horrible. 

I had horrible bags under my eyes. It looked as if I was crying for years. 

I took a quick shower and got dressed in grey skinnys , Black vans , and a navy blue sweater.

After I did that I packed to get ready to get on the bus in a few hours to go to new york.

But I'm not sure if I could get on that bus KNOWING that the two people I dispised of most at the time where gonna be right next to me for a long period of time.

I don't even know wat to do with myself right now.

So I text mohagony.

Me - Hey can you come to my Hotel room?

Mohagony - Yeah be there in 2.

Not even 1 minute later I hear A loud nock on the door and open it revealing Mohagony and that gourgeous hair.

"Hi!" She gasps . " Oh-no ! What happened to you? you look horrible!" She says before catching me off gaurd by practically pounceing on me and engulfing me in a hug.

" M . I can barely breathe" I choke  out. 

" Yeah , well whats wrong?"

" We-well Last night at th-the club....."

I choke  out with tears in my eyes.

" I-I stepped out of the club to get some fresh air okay. and then when I g-go back to see how jack was and if he was okay. And - And - " I started balling my eyes out. It was just so hard to even talk about what happened without crying.

"Shh Shh It's okay what happened then?" Mohagony asked as she rubbed my back as I leaned my head on her shoulder.

"I-I saw him Making Out with Taylor!" I practically yell the last part mixed with sobs.

she gasps once again. " Oh no hunny! That's horrible why would they do that?"

I just shake my head not knowing the reason.

"you know Tay didn't even drink last night. So it must have been intenstional." She says. I shoot up off the bed and My blood boils because of how badly I want to just punch taylor in the nuts right now.

" HE WHAT!?" I scream at her makin her go wide eyed.

"Y-yeah I didn't see him drink once and he told me he didn't want to drink because he didn't want a headache in the morning."

I was just pacing around the room back and forth not knowing what to do.

Taylor Caniff POV

Yeah. I did it on purpose. Not trying to come between them but to try  and make Shawn Jealous.

But He wasn't even looking. So it didn't even matter. But you know one thing led to another and well you know we did the dirty last night.

Do I feel giulty for taking advantage of  drunk?

Yeah sure but DAMN. He is good.

Do you feel bad that you came between them?

Yes. I mean they where a cute couple.

I woke up this morning thankfull I didn't drink because if I did it feel like hell right now.

I look over to see jack awake and staring right at me.

He jumps up like he just saw a gohst or something.



Awwww shiiit.

So Its a semi sliffhanger but ya know whateves.

I'm not really proud of this chapter but there will be a better one on monday. hopefully.

but as always don't ferget to vote and leave a comment! 

I love y'all ! BYE! <3

~ Meghan

LIES // JolinskyWhere stories live. Discover now