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a requested edmund imagine

female reader

i looked at myself in the beautiful big mirror in my room. my makeup looked lovely, not too much but enough so you could tell i was wearing it.
my corset sat tightly around my waist as my maid gathered started to fix my underskirts.
i was currently getting ready to one of the biggest balls of the golden age, hosted at cair paravel which is were i currently live.

i glanced to the corner of the mirror to see a familiar face.
it was edmund. i guess he's my boyfriend? we never really made it official but we definitely act like a couple.

"could you give us a moment?" he asked my maid who was fixing my dress that was hanging up near the mirror. she left with a scowl on her face.

"you're really starting to annoy my help when you do that." i told him.

"i don't see you complaining often." he said as he snuck has hands from my shoulders, down to my waist and undid my corset.

"edmund! that took forever to-" he cut me off my kissing me, slowly pulling away and kissing all down my neck.

"what's wrong with you tonight? why so touchy?" i asked him, laughing to hide my blush.

"excited." he shrugged. "it's the biggest ball of the season."

"well, i thought you'd be getting yourself done up for all the giggling princesses that are excited to see you."

"there's only one princess i have my eye on." he told me.

"dear aslan, could you be any cheesier?"

he laughed and kissed me again.

we were cut off by a cough at my door.

"if you don't mind," huffed my maid. "i'd like to finish getting lady y/n ready."

"of course." edmund left and winked at me as he closed the door.

i was ready in less than ten minutes. i could've left whenever i liked because they didn't need to call my name like they did with the king and queens. but i still waited til before their names would be called so i could see edmund before he was dragged away all night.

i stood at the top of the stairs and steadied myself so i could walk down them without falling. halfway down the stairs i noticed edmund standing at the bottom, smiling up at me. it sort of made me relax a bit.

"wow. you are the most cliché person ever." i laughed.

"excuse me." he rolled his eyes dramatically.
"you look wonderful." he told me.

"could say the same for you." i smiled.

i could hear them announce the entrance of the kings and queens, so i bid him goodbye and snuck into the party through the side door.

i talked to alot of people for a bit of the night. i never really knew anyone so it was alot of small talk. i couldn't even talk to the help, as that was forbidden. they still seemed to be having fun though, alot more that i was.

i was talking to a faun when i felt a tap on my shoulder.
"excuse me, but can i steal y/n for a moment?" edmund asked.
"of course, your majesty!" the faun looked incredibly eager to answer him.

"what now?" i laughed sarcastically

"dance?" he asked. i smiled and accepted his offer.

i never understood how people were able to get lost in the moment, until i danced the night away with edmund pevensie.

i hope you like it!

please go check out my new imagines book, if your into that kinda stuff idk ahaha.

sorry for the wait..

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