~peter part 2~

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this is a requested part 2 to the last peter imagine! let me know if you want a part 3 but that will be the last part!!

it has been a month since i had befriended peter and his siblings. they are really kind people, not like anyone else i had met in England before. susan had offered to help me study English, i had realised she really likes teaching. lucy loves to play games with me, and i taught her how to play some games she hasn't learned yet. edmund is nice, but i only really talk with him on the train while we are going to school, or coming home. peter is extremely nice to me, we go walks on the weekends and he even took me to see a movie and helped me understand what it was about. i enjoyed spending time with peter the most, he was funny and kind and i couldn't help but love him.

it is a mystery how i had never met any of them before the day peter saved me. we take the same way home and our families are both very productive parts of the community. our fathers work together and our mothers are even friends. mother told me she had met Mrs Pevensie while chatting with her girlfriends in town. our families often go out together now, we have a lot of fun. both our families even attend the same church, which we now go to together, and afterwards we have dinner at each others homes.

i was feeling a lot better about moving to Finchley. now that i had friends and was speaking better English, i was getting bullied a lot less. most of the girls left me alone, i imagine because of peter. they all have a liking to him, and i can't really blame them. they all are sure to shoot me dirty looks when i am near him.

this afternoon i was standing on the street across from the train station with susan. our train wasn't due for another half an hour and we wanted to read the paper, as we didn't have time to this morning.

'do you know what this word is?' she asked me, while showing me her paper and pointing to a rather big word. i recognised it slightly.

'pol- hold on', we both giggled. this was different to when the girls at school would tease me for not being able to pronounce a word, because susan was laughing with me.

'politician?' i said, unsure.

'yes', she smiled. 'and what does it mean?'

'isn't that the people who work for the prime minister?' i asked.

'hmm. close enough'

just then a boy approached us. when i say us i mean susan, because he had been staring at her from down the street for 15 minutes.

'good afternoon' he greeted us. susan said it back and i mumbled it under my breath to show i wasn't interested in this conversation.

he introduced himself to susan, and she told him her name was 'phillis'

then i heard lucy's voice from behind me. 'susan!susan!'

the boy raised his eyebrow.

i spoke up, 'erm, my name is susan' i told him, while reaching my hand out to shake his.

lucy looked puzzled. 'your name is y/n-'

'apologies' susan told him and grabbed me and lucy, heading towards the train station.

'heavens sake lucy, what is it?' she asked her sister.

'you have to see this. both of you' she said while dragging us into the train station.

i wondered what could be so important, then i saw a group of people crowding the stairs and chanting.

susan helped us push our way through and we saw a few boys fighting. it seemed to be 2 against 1. what idiotic person would ever get themselves int- oh goodness.

it was peter! i mean of course it was, this isn't the first time it has happened.

every time he does something like this it scares me, because he can seriously get hurt.

then edmund pushed past us and tackled one of the boys giving peter the chance to get the other boy off of him. me and lucy looked to susan in panic, but she rolled her eyes in annoyance at both of her brothers.

just then, two soldiers broke the fight up and i let out a sigh of relief.

'act your age' one of them spat at peter.

susan pulled me away from the crowd and we sat down on a bench, followed by lucy.

then peter and edmund caught up.peter slumped down beside me, edmund following beside him.

'your welcome' he spat at peter.

'i had it sorted' he replied. i don't know how fights work here, but it definitely did not look like he had it sorted.

peter stood up and started pacing.

susan sighed and asked the question we were all wondering; 'what was it this time?'

i looked at peter hopefully. he wouldn't start a fight for no reason. he would have been heavily provoked or they would have started it first. he wouldn't just get in a fight for the sake of it, right?

'he bumped me.'


'so you hit him?' lucy asked him.

'no,' thank goodness.

'after he bumped me, he tried to make me apologise. that's when i hit him'

for pete's sake. literally.

'is it that hard just to walk away?' susan asked him, her voice stern.

'i shouldn't have to. i'm tired of getting treated like kids all the time.' he told her

'uh, we are kids,' edmund pointed out, and i nodded.

'well we weren't always..' he started, then looked at me and stopped.

'what do you mean?' i asked, thinking i had probably just misheard him.

'nothing. forget it'

i was snapped out of my thoughts when susan jumped up. 'lucy stop, that's not funny'

'i didn- ow! is that you?' she asked me.

'no, i neve- hey!' i jump up and looked at peter.

'what? that was- stop it edmund!'

'what are you all on about? nothin- what was that?'

we were all standing up now, as a gust of wind flew through the train station.

'what's happening?' i asked, but no one answered.

suddenly the train station started to fall apart, and i started to panic.

peter grabbed onto my hand and that became the only thing i was aware of.

susan shouted something, but i couldn't hear her. i closed my eyes and kept them shut until all the sound went away.

i opened my eyes to my new surroundings. i was no longer in the train station, i was on a beach?

peter, lucy, edmund and susan were smiling.

"where are we? what just happened?" i asked. a million questions were running through my head.

'we'll explain later, come on!' peter said while dragging me towards the sea with the rest of the pevensies.

despite my confusion, i followed and we were all carrying on for what seemed like forever. i was actually happy. all my thoughts were pushed to the back of my head, i would let my questions out later, but for now i would enjoy this.

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