going home part 2

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surprise! i'm alive heh. so much has happened but i'm back now.


after caspian gave you dry clothes, you felt a lot better. 

"here you go" you heard. you turned around and saw caspian handing you something. it was your bow and arrows! they were still as gorgeous as when you left them, beautifully engraved with ancient narnian runes. well, at least that's what Aslan told you.

"wow" was all you could make out. "you kept them?" you asked him.

"well of course" he laughed. "they haven't been touched since you left. i made sure of it"

"thank you caspian. really, i appreciate it"

he then gave edmund and lucy their old weapons, edmund refusing peters old sword.

you all went back up to the crew and you were introduced to what seemed to be everyone there, all of them big fans.

edmund hadn't taken his hand out of yours since you got there, which you thought was very sweet.

a few hours later you and lucy had been sitting at the side watching caspian and edmund sword fight. "show-offs" she said and you both giggled.

edmund ended up winning, and of course never refused any of the compliments the crewmates gave him.

he walked over to you and lucy and sat down beside you.

"guys," lucy began. "do you think we can keep sailing to the end of the world and just, tip off the edge?"

"don't worry lu" you assured her.

"yeah,we're along way from there" edmund laughed.

then eustace emerged from the cellar.

"i see the three of you are still talking nonsense" he stated.

"feeling any better?" you asked him.

"yes no thanks to you" you rolled your eyes. 

then reepicheep came over.

"find your sea legs?" he asked eustace.

"never lost them" he snorted "just dealing with the shock of things. mother says i have an acute disposition. due to my intelligence"

edmund snorted into his cup and you had to grab his arm to stop yourself from laughing.

"i don't think he has 'a cute' anything" whispered reepicheep.

"unlike me, right y/n?" edmund asked with a grin on his face. you rolled your eyes and hit his arm.

"i'll have you know, as soon as we find civilisation i'm contacting the british consul. have you all arrested for kidnapping" eustace told you.

"right well let us know when you do" you replied and he scoffed.

"you held me against my will!" he shouted at you, and a very confused caspian who just turned up.

"did they?" he asked. eustace then began to insult the 'quarters' of the ship.

"quite the complainer, isn't he?" asked reepicheep.

"he's just warming up" edmund retorted.

he put his arm around you. and caspian went wide eyed.

"your not serious?" he laughed and lucy squealed.

"isn't it great? i've always said it would happen! just another time where i am right again!"

"well it was quite unexpected" caspian said and you rolled your eyes.

"like this?" edmund asked and leaned in.

suddenly you were kissing. you were still for a second until you finally had a reaction and started kissing him back.

"ugh, get a room!" eustace yelled as you pulled apart.

caspian looked quite amused.

"i wouldn't start laughing if i were you mate" edmund began. "if i recall correctly, last time we were here you were snogging my sister." that wiped the smile off his face.

then someone at the top of the ship blew a horn and yelled "land aho!" and all of you sprinted up.

you had never seen such a place in narnia before.


this wasn't good, i apologise.

ill try and make a part 3 soon, but that might be the end. 

drop more requests!

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