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this is a female reader imagine! 

"ed!" you yelled as you hit him lightly with the bat in your hand.

"ow!" your younger brother whined as he rubbed his arm. "what was that for?"

"to wake you up. and i barely even hit you, stop being so whiny."

you were standing outside the professors house with your older brother, younger sisters and your younger brother. the weather was better than it had been the day before so you and susan decided it would be a good idea to haul the rest of your siblings out to play cricket. peter and lucy were quite enjoying themselves, but edmund's head was completely in the clouds.

suddenly peter threw the ball at edmund, who was supposed to be batting now.

"ow!" he yelled again. "can you all stop hitting me?"

"whoops!" laughed peter. "wake up dolly daydream!"

"why are we even out here anyway?" edmund asked. "why can't we go back inside?"

"because crickets fun!" you told him.

"besides, we could all use the fresh air." susan told him.

"not like there isn't air inside.." he mumbled.

"can you just try to hit the ball this time?" peter asked him.

peter swung the ball at him, and edmund hit all his anger at the ball that soared through the air, over the garden and straight through a, most likely very expensive, tinted window.

"oh no." you and peter both said at the same time.

all five of you took off towards the back door of the professors house, up the stairs and straight into the room that held the broken window.

you all stared at it anxiously, as if waiting for it to pick itself up and put itself back together.

and then, as if planned, you all turned your heads to the door as you heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"this way!" lucy whisper-shouted. you all followed her out of the door and down the hallway. not even edmund objected. 

she ran into the spare room and towards the massive wardrobe you had all had an argument about the day before..

the day before

"i'm telling the truth!" lucy yelled at you all from the other side of the room. "there's a faun! and a witch and a lamppost! and they are all living in a country called narnia, where it's always winter! always winter and never christmas, can't you believe it?"

"barely." susan whispered in your ear.

"lucy, it isn't that we don't believe you but..." you trailed. 

"but what?" she asked, tears threatening the corner of her eyes.

"i believe you." edmund told her and you all turned around in shock.

"really?" the small girl beamed at her older brother.

"yes! didn't i tell you about the football field in the bathroom?" 

"ed!" peter yelled. 

lucy burst into tears and ran out of the room. the three of you were now standing here glaring at edmund.

"why would you say that?"  susan asked him.

"that wasn't funny." said peter sternly.

"go apologise." you told him. he just stared back at you. "now edmund!"

"go say you're sorry to lucy!" said peter as susan ran out of the room after her sister.

"shut up!" edmund yelled. "both of you, leave me alone! you're trying so hard to act like mum and dad, but you aren't! neither of you! you're nothing like them!"

both you and peter were left stunned as edmund pushed his way out of the room.

present time

now you were all standing in the wardrobe, whispering-fighting and whining and trying to figure out who was standing on who.

you suddenly felt like you had more room to move back, and as you walked backwards you couldn't find the back of the wardrobe, and you were standing on something that definitely wasn't wood. you fell back and hit, snow?

"what on earth?" you asked your siblings as they emerged from the 'wardrobe' the same way you did. 

"i told you!" lucy squealed in excitement.

"this can't be real." muttered susan.

"oh it's real." smirked peter as he started throwing snowballs at you. you all gathered as much snow as you could and threw them at each other without warning.

after a couple of minutes you noticed edmund staying silent, which was awfully odd, so you threw a snowball at him.

"quit it!" he snapped.

"edmund i thought you said..." started peter as his smile faded.

"you knew?" susan asked him. "you knew all along and you never told us?!"

"you little liar." 

"apologise to lucy." peter said.

"what?" edmund looked baffled.

"say you're sorry!" you told him as you marched closer.

"alright, alright! i'm sorry, okay?"

"it's alright i guess," lucy said, grinning. "but that's the problem with little kids, they just don't know when to stop pretending."

you all smiled at your youngest sister.

"well i say we explore the magical land of narnia." peter said very dramatically.

"but it's freezing." susan told him as she shuddered.

"well it's a good thing we have coats." you told her as you reached into the wardrobe and pulled out a massive winter coat.

"isn't that stealing?" she asked.

"well if you think about it logically," your sister rolled her eyes at you. "we aren't really taking them out of the wardrobe."

i'm back?! i've had exams for a while (excuses i know) but i'm back for now and my requests are open! feel free to comment and private message me!

thank you for reading!

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