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There was a big box in my office, and I automatically knew it was another care package from my mom. She always sends me things like that whenever she thinks I am homesick. Most of them contained freeze dried food from New Orleans. I'm not complaining though, because Nothing tastes better than homemade Jambalaya. I got a letter opener from the top drawer of my desk and opened the package. On top was what looked like a scrapbook, and I smiled. My mom always took up a new hobby that I thought was useless, but as long as she was happy, I wasn't complaining. I picked up the poorly bonded scrapbook, slowly looking through the pages, while admiring some of my moms work. Flipping the pages one by one, I realized this scrapbook was full of pictures of me and my old best friend August. August...I kind of forgot about him to be honest. Back then, he was the perfect gentlemen. Even though he was a year older, he took me to all of my high school dances and events, and he treated me like a princess. We dated all throughout high school, but when he moved we slowly grew apart. I still made sure to check up on him via social media every now and then since I knew all of his private accounts. 

Recenty, I have heard a couple rumors floating around Atlanta. I've been hearing so many things about him being a player and what not,  especially now that he "made it big." It disgusted me. He was not the gentlemen i was once in love with anymore, and it subconsciously broke my heart. I flipped through more pages, looking at each picture and thinking about the memory that went along with it.

A few pages in, I saw a newer photo that I have never seen before. It looked fairly recent, but it seemed almost impossible. Peeling the photograph from its original spot, I leaned in to take a closer look. It was a picture of my mother, August, and his mother in their favorite restaurant, Olive Garden. I flipped the photo over, to see if there was a date but instead I got a note:

My future son-in-law came to visit! He asked a lot of questions about you sweetie. Don't be surprised if you get a visitor soon! Much Love, Mama. ❤️

I smiled to myself, the picture was so cute and knowing August, he probably spoiled our parents when he visited New Orleans. He was always a mama's boy, and he back then he considered my mom as a second mother to him. He probably still does, my mom already considers him as a son and has already accepted the idea that we are soul mates. My father did not approve of our relationship, I knew that was one of the reasons they separated. He was much more conservative and didn't believe that I should be even think about boys until "after i get married," cause that made total sense. My father believed that August would turn out to be a thug with a hopeless career, so He would try to get on my moms good side to make it up.Because of this,  August would do whatever he could to make my mom approve of him. It didn't take much effort, since she did believe we were soulmates. 

I looked at the next picture, it was the day August asked me to homecoming freshmen year in front of all those people. I remember it perfectly, he got up during our Choir and he was supposed to sing a song. He sang/ rapped this cheesy love song that was really popular back then. Out of nowhere, and in front of my whole class August brought a box of my favorite chocolates and flowers, asking me to Homecoming. I remember I was so stunned, I could only nod in response. It was safe to say that many girls were disappointed in his pick.

"Mrs. Richards, your ten o' clock appointment is here." My assistant said, bringing me back to reality.

" What? Melanie I don't have an appointment today?" I looked at her in confusion. I made sure to clear my schedule so I can focus on this interview. Melanie just gave me a small smile in response, and I walked into my office. I sat down in my black leather chair and placed my head in my hands, rubbing my temples. I just got in here and I was already stressed. After a few moments, I picked myself back up off my chair and starting re packing the care package my mom sent me, making sure to put each item in its original spot.

After a minute or two, Melanie knocked on my door, opening it just enough so she could peek her head in. "He is here Ms. Richards, we can stall him for a few minutes while you get your stuff together." I gave her a weary smile in response as a mumbled a small "Thank You."

I heard the door open again, but I ignored it. People come in my office all the time to leave paperwork I need to sign. "Imani Richards, in the flesh..." I snapped my head up at the sound of his voice.

I groaned at the sound of the voice of the man I have been avoiding for the past two years, Daniel Carter. Daniel and his family was interesting in partnering with my company. He was in the advertising business, and wanted to buy out the snapchat app I created to profit off ads.

"What are you doing here Daniel? I thought I made it clear I do not want to see you." I said annoyed.

"Sweetie don't be playing hard to get,you know you want all this" Daniel said to me, gesturing towards his body. I rolled my eyes in annoyance,  I didn't know what I hated more about him; his personality or his looks. Its not that he was ugly or anything, I mean I'm sure many girls would find him attractive, but once he opens his mouth he goes down from a solid 8 to a 2.

"As much as I would love to talk to you, " I started sarcastically, rolling my eyes "I have an interview and you cannot be here for that" 

"Why not? Don't you want to to America to know how in love we are?" Daniel said, placing his hand on my shoulder, with a smirk on his face. I stared at him, utterly speechless. I didn't know if he was being sarcastic, but he looked so serious. I stared at the hand placed on my shoulder in disgust, this BOY will be the death of me one day. 

"Daniel, please remove your hand right now." I said calmly. " We are not together, therefore we are not in love." I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior, annoyed at his lingering presence. Daniel was getting on my nerves at the moment, and I'm praying that something makes him leave. The sudden voice of my assistant answers my prayers.

"Miss Richards, the lady from GQ magazine has entered." Melanie said over the speaker. Thank you God for answering my prayers, I thought.

I turned to face Daniel, "it's time for you to leave" I said sternly, annoyance filled my face. Surprisingly, he walked out the door almost immediately with a smirk and some stupid pick up line. Right after he left, Melanie walked in

"The interviewer isn't here yet, you seemed annoyed so I wanted to help you, I hope you don't mind."

I laughed in response, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who disliked Daniel.

Okay the first few chapters are bad, but I promise they get so much better! Tell me what you guys think of it so far?

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