Live Aid (Part Three)

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You had carried on dancing with everyone, songs and artists flying by. It had been hours since Status Quo had opened the show and it was nearing twenty to seven in the evening. There was a twenty minute break between the previous band, Dire Straits, and the upcoming one as it headed over to the Philippines for the time being. During that time you checked up on everyone, checking you were all hydrated and fed and obviously fussing more over Cruella than any of the others.

On the note of Cruella, her enthusiasm grew rapidly throughout the concert. She was now bouncing around with all the upbeat songs and welling up to the more somber ones, crying especially to Phil Collins 'Against All Odds' and blaming it on you for some unknown reason. Everyone found her change in attitude hilarious which she wasn't a total fan of of course. Each time she'd tear up, the woman would inch closer and closer to you (once even doing the same to Horace when you were dancing with Artie leaving him extremely confused) and dragging you around to dance with her to everything else.

The twenty minutes had finally passed and you had your hands linked with Cruella, the two of you chatting to the strangers around you. That was until two police officers arrived on stage. Everyone's head snapped to the stage in confusion, being too far away to realise they weren't real officers and were in fact Griff Rhys-Jones and Mel Smith.

'What the bloody hell is this?' You heard Jasper ask.

'My thoughts exactly.' Cruella pitched in, squeezing your hand.

The officers on the stage began to talk,

'Sorry to interrupt but we have had a bit of a complaint about the noise,'

Well that just caused everyone to cheer louder. Cruella and Horace yelling the loudest out of your group.

'From a woman in Belgium.' They continued causing the audience to laugh, 'So if we could just keep it do-'

The other interrupted, 'Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we're enjoying the boogy woogy music here today, and I would like you to keep in mind there are a lot of people, perhaps older people, in the area who perhaps aren't up to date with the latest trend in modern music. Like Status Quo for example.'

Well the next statement made the crowd truly bloody erupt.

'It gives us enormous pleasure to introduce the next combo which is, Queen. HER MAJESTY, QUEEN!'

Well even Cruella knew about them! Who fucking didn't?! They were possibly the best band to walk the earth (and I take no opposition to that opinion).

So now you were all screaming like a bunch of 10 year old girls, which was extremely funny in Horace's case, the band bounced onto the stage.

'Oi, females.' Horace shouted from next to you.

'Get on our shoulders.' Jasper yelled from the other side of him.

And at that you both did. You were on Jasper's shoulders, Cruella on Horace's. Getting up there was eventful but now it was time for them to start.

You watched while your whole body shook. You were in the same fucking stadium as Freddie fucking Mercury! Cruella reached out for your hand as Freddie begun to play the piano, opening their show with part of Bohemian Rhapsody.

You and Cruella both sung your heart out to both Bohemian Rhapsody and Radio Ga-Ga that followed it, hands still intertwined as you balanced on the boys shoulders. But what came next confused your girlfriend beyond belief, having not been to any concerts and certainly not any Queen concerts...

Freddie took centre stage and Cruella looked to you with confusion, Horace looking up at you both with a smirk, knowing exactly what was coming.


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