teaching the other how to do something

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A/N ~ i was stuck on fairy tale and ironically was too lazy to do a lazy day so here we are !! i might go back to them later if i can be bothered !!

Being in a relationship with an insane villain who's main motive was to absolutely destroy the woman who killed her mother you would think to be totally reckless and dangerous. And don't get me wrong, it totally is at times but the majority of the time is spent sewing. Yep. Sewing.

This wouldn't be a problem if you knew how to sew, but let's be real here you can't sew to save your life. And your girlfriend, the earlier mentioned insane villain, is currently at the heart of the fashion industry. Greaattt.

One night however you suddenly had the urge to learn. I guess watching your girlfriend and her team work endless nights on various pieces made you feel pretty damn useless when all you could do was offer them tea and coffee. You decided to ask your girlfriend to teach you. Not only would this give you some new life skills (useless as they may be) but it will also bag you some much needed time with Cruella all to yourself. Something you rarely got anymore.

'Love?' You asked from the sofa as Cruella worked on the table behind.

'Yes darling?' She muttered, her focus still on her work in hand.

'Teach me how to sew.' You spoke pretty bluntly.

Cruella's head snapped up and a mischievous smirk crossed her features. She never thought you were interested in that side of things so it shocked her in a good way of course but god was she going to have fun with this.

Cruella cleared the table she was working at and got up from her chair, gesturing you to take her place. You smiled a little and got up to make your way over to your girlfriend. On your way over you held eye contact with the woman, trying desperately to decode the look on her face.

'What?' She asked you with a fake pout as you sat down in your seat, Cruella standing behind you.

'Nothing, love. You just look so damn ominous.' You chuckled and tilted your head back to look up at her.

'Goodie.' She whispered in your ear before standing back up, 'Right, darling, you better be a fast learner I don't have too long.'

'Flattering.' You retorted sarcastically.

A little while passed as you got to grips with the basics, Cruella circling the table as she watched you intently. Despite you being in a wonderful relationship with the villain this was still extremely intimidating but eventually you had sewn two strips of fabric together.

'Okay, darling, now the machine.' Cruella began.

The woman placed a massive sewing machine in front of you and began to thread it from over your shoulder. Although your focus should've been on the machine ahead of you, it was a bit hard to do so when your girlfriend was so close.

'Are you paying attention? Do keep up, you need to know how to do this, darling.' She shook you from your thoughts.

You turned your focus and watched her fingers grace the machine with care and elegance as she threaded it. Once she had done it however she took it all out again and looked to you, you looking up slightly to meet her eyes.

'Now it's your turn.' She stated.

You responded with a brief okay and got to work, attempting to thread the machine. Cruella was leaning over your shoulder, watching you closely the whole time. Each time you'd get something slightly wrong she would bring her arm up to point, once more distracting you from the task at hand.

Eventually you completed it and Cruella then moved to place a pedal under your foot. She then proceeded to hand you some fabric and stand back over you.

'Now place the fabrics under the needle and put the foot down with the lever on the side.' She explained, 'Nice, well done darling, now hold the fabric to guide it and gently place your foot down on the pedal.'

Well you maybe should've listened to the gentle part...

You stepped on the pedal causing the machine to sew at what you thought must've been a hundred miles an hour. This led you to jump back immediately, keeping your foot far away from the pedal and your hands raised.

'I nearly sewed my fingers!' You exclaimed dramatically.

'And that is why i said go gently darling.' Cruella responded smoothly with a smirk, 'Now get up.'

You did as you were told of course and your girlfriend took your seat, patting her lap to indicate you to take your place there instead. Once more you did as she told you.

You took your spot on her lap, facing the sewing machine once more, giving it the evils after nearly killing you.

'You can't death stare a machine, my sweet.' Cruella shook you from your staring match, 'Now I'll control the speed on the pedal and you guide the fabric through.'

Despite the explanation, you were once again extremely distracted. This wasn't just her leaning over you anymore, oh no, you were literally on her! Nothing could get you used to this but you placed your hands on the fabric, hesitant as it was.

'Okay?' The woman checked before beginning.

You gave a slight nod and she pressed down on the pedal lightly, causing the machine to go at a much more controlled speed. You fed the fabric through smoothly as the machine sewed it together and when you reached the end the movements stopped altogether.

You wore a proud smile, even if the achievement was just sewing a bit of fabric to another. Cruella snaked her arms around your waist and you turned around on her lap, sitting on her sideways.

You smiled at her once more and she wore the expression of a proud mother.

'Mm I think you did rather well darling.' She purred looking directly into your eyes.

The direction of her eyes carefully fluttered down to your lips and you both leant in sweetly. Both your lips met, moving slowly but lovingly around one another, staying like that until you both needed some air.

'I think I might need some more lessons, love.' You said with false innocence.

'And I would be more than happy to teach you.' Cruella purred.

You smiled before resting your forehead against hers. You had missed moments like this recently with all the trouble with the Baroness but they really were what you lived for.


A/N ~ that was kinda a mess because i stopped and started it a hundred times so it has no real plot to it apologiesss!!

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