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"You need to eat as much as you can before going in," Diana lectured on about everything we needed to have and do.

Devon was stuffing his face with pastries and meat, Adam was slowly demolishing the sisters' edible berry supply, but I couldn't eat. I was tense, my thoughts were scrambled, and I was so wound up I would've killed anything that suprised me by reflex. Just the thought of eating made me sick.

"You also need to be in pristine health. Becoming ill in a seemingly endless maze of blackness is not a good thing to do." I glanced at the two guys, their food looking so good, but making my stomach twist.

"Eat, it's good," Devon nudged my arm at the dining room table. He beamed at me when I turned to him. "You only feel sick because you haven't eaten," Adam reassured.

I poked at the cold chicken and wrinkled peas, trying to down something. The worry gnawing at my stomach put me in pain almost immediately. I tried the peaches instead, giving up on the normal dinner. Some comfort came, but not much. The cramps moved to my ribs.

"I think you're wrong on that one, Adam." I mumbled, clutching my stomach.

"Fatigue can kill you, make sure to get enough rest. I have some crystal vials of comforting scents that you three can go through to find one that encourages your drowsiness."

"You know, I think I'll go take a nap now." I stated, getting up and fleeing to the assigned bedroom. Every step of the way my torso protested, sending me into a world of pain. The tiny bit of food I had downed was starting to come back up, and I was starting to have a level-ten migraine.

I collapsed in the bathroom at the toilet, heaving even after I had nothing left. My head swam and tears blurred my vision as I dry heaved again. Bile rose, burning the back of my throat.

Why am I so sick? I thought to myself, shaking in exhaustion.

 It's probably just nerves, Princess. Devon responded. Furious for some reason I didn't take time to figure out, I screamed out loud, "GET OUT OF MY FREAKING HEAD!!!"

I didn't realize Adam was watching until I heard a the soft sound of his footfalls. Before he disappeared downstairs he glanced at me timidly with a mixture of fear, hesitation, and slight concern. But mostly, he was looking at me like I was a stranger.

My anger redirected towards myself.


"Eat this, it should get rid of the nausea," Diana shoved some leathery leaves into my mouth. I didn't object, too disgusted with myself to even make a sound.

Adam was sitting cross-legged on the other side of the room, still staring at me with that demeaning look. Devon was stroking my hair away from my face. I couldn't find the motivation to push him away.

Why is he so understanding!? Get away from me! I'm a horrible person.

Gathering whatever strenght I had left, I curled up even further, pulling away from Devon's touch.

"You two, go eat something, practice with Sarah, run away to meet secret lovers, I don't care, just get out of here," Tamara shooed my brother and Devon out.

"This is just like what Aaron had to go through..." Diana mumbled.

"What? What happened to him?" I asked, earnest for any information on Alex.

"He didn't eat much dinner, claiming feeling sore and sick. He was fine the rest of the day, but as soon as the sun went red, he-hey, where are you going?!" I bolted from the room for the bathroom. I was still wearing the earring!

So what? The earring glows red at sunset, and we got sick at sunset, and we were both wearing the earring at that time. That doesn't mean anything. I haven't ever gotten sick before.

Feeling dizzy, I gripped the counter and tried to find logic, some other clue.

I've found the connection, but not what are being connected! It's not fair! Every time I think I'm getting closer to finding Alex, there turns out to be more missing information and more mystery!

Groaning in frustration, I hit the counter.

Maybe something we ate? Something in the air? A curse?

"Diana, when was this?" I called through the door.

"When was what?!" She yelled back irritably.

"When did Aaron get sick? How long ago?

"I don't know, about a week before you got here?"

So, depending on the curse, it could be that it's not strong enough to be interdemensional, but it was cast on one of the earrings, and due to the connection set up, when I came into the dimension that the curse was set in, it took effect on the earring I brought with me. But then why did this happen now, and not before?!

Then I realized I had never really exposed the earring to the sunset before that day.

It's still just a theory...

I was still giddy with the hypothesis I managed to put together. I was so happy I forgot about my weakness, and my alienation with my own brother, and the hostility I showed towards Devon. I jumped and twirled and giggled due to the supression of my screams of happiness.

"Whoever is jumping around up there, can you please quit it?!" Adam yelled from downstairs. I bit my lip in order to keep myself from laughing.

"In all actuality, I'm possibly getting way too happy for such a small revelation. And I should probably take out the earring."

A Burning Passion~Book Two in TABWhere stories live. Discover now