Scene 18 - Launch the Angels, Lieutenant!

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Now we are watching Cloudbase from the exterior of the command deck again. We see that the SPJ, Helicopters, and Magnacopters are all ready for takeoff aboard the carrier. FAB 1 begun driving along towards the Magnacopter.


Well, I must admit, m'lady, of all the strange places we've been to, I must say this as a first; I have now driven the car along an aircraft carrier.


It is good to try something new every day, Parker.


Yes, m'lady. The ship is now directly ahead of us, madam.

We see the stationary Magnacopter, before cutting to Captain Grey inside at the controls. His radio swings down as his epaulettes flash white.

Captain Grey:

Opening storage hold unit now.

The ramp of the craft is slowly opened out, and FAB 1 drives straight up it. Parker stops the car when it reaches the centre of the hold. The flap is retracted back up again. We are now back at the Cloudbase Command Deck, and Lieutenant Green turns his chair back around to face the Colonel.

Lieutenant Green:

Colonel, FAB 1 is aboard the Magnacopter.

Colonel White:

S.I.G. Launch the Angels, Lieutenant.

Lieutenant Green:

S.I.G. Angel one, immediate launch!

Harmony's aircraft revs up. BAM! It is launched forward, along the runway and whooshing past Cloudbase.

Angels two and three, immediate launch!

Rhapsody and Symphony are raised up in their red chairs from the Amber Room as the doors sealed up. Now, we see the chairs being escalated up into the Angel Interceptors. CLAMP! CLAMP! The legs retract down into Cloudbase. BAM! BAM! The two Angels accelerate and launch off from Cloudbase. The Spectrum Passenger Jet is ready to launch. Captain Scarlet and Blue are at the controls, as Scarlet's epaulettes flash green as his radio swings down.

Captain Scarlet:

Request launch clearance.

Lieutenant Green:

Spectrum Is Green.

The SPJ taxis off and accelerates off from the platform into the sky. The Spectrum Helicopter's propellers begin spinning as we see Captain Magenta inside, with his radio down in position again.

Lieutenant Green:

You have launch clearance, Captain Magenta.

Captain Magenta:

Thanks, Lieutenant.

The Helicopter rises into the air and sets off into the skies. The Magnacopter's propellers begin operating afterwards.

Lieutenant Green:

You have launch clearance, Captain Grey.

Captain Grey:

S.I.G. Lieutenant.

The Magnacopter rises into the air and sets off into the distance. Now, we are back in Cloudbase's Command Deck.


A-A-A most i-impressive array of Spectrum vehicles you've got there, Colonel.

Colonel White:

Thank you. Lieutenant, tell the Captains and Angels to fly at speed ultimate to the danger zone. The fate of the world is resting on our shoulders, gentlemen. We have no idea how the Mysterons are going to strike but strike they will – and death and chaos they will produce.


Thunderbirds/Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons: The Evil Of The MysteronsWhere stories live. Discover now