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"Anna finally I'm so happy for us, she wisphered happily to me.":You know I'm well satisfied now.. "I didn't expect to get ", rose wisphered excitemently. But my mind was fully occupied with a devil , which I met today . "I want to talk to you few things , you didn't come there. Your the one going to be face my consequences. "Well sweet heart and once again congratulations", He wishphered in my inner ear " , I recalled his voice .

God' why are you doing this to me , it's make me freak right now.i didn't know him at all , how he asking my presence in his room " is it wrong a man asking a girl in his room ", " whta he need from me , I accidentally pumbed into him that it , is it so making a crime, every one done a mistake , I had a severe discussion in my own thoughts , "what should I do? .. shall I go or not", I debating in me ." Anna ",Rose suddenly shouted at me loudly which distorted from my thoughts , and I look every one eyes on us .

"Yes tell me ! Why are you shouting? So loudly", rose, I asked to her ."You Anna! your the one in dream Land from past a minute , what is your problem ? She enquiry me . "No , nothing I'm fine, perfectly fine " I said in a low voice ."No , I know you distracted ,some where what's happening to you ? She again asked , I'm just tired her adding questions at me. "Rose I said to you right , I'm fine ,I wispherd camly "

Ok ! Shall we go now , she said to me . I just hesitate but laterly, I decided , I don't want to go thier , " why I needed and wanted to fear in him, he is not a person to control me , I didn't even know him before , I know he is our owner .but doesn't means I have to obey him , but something is happening inside me . when I see him ..The way he said the"CONGRATULATIONS SWEET HEART" the hot breath which radiate my skin ,imagination itself I had a goosebumps.i can't and I don't want to go in his room .it's really hard and for me to go thier and it's holy wrong and shit. I promised my dad , not going against his word.

I decided, I'm not going to his room to meet him in a privately , I want to go home that's it I recall the word as he said there is a consequences ,but can't able to pawn my dignity for which I met a men few hours before "Ok rose, come fast we will the college as soon as possible ", I said to her ." , "wait , why as soon as possible ", your looking around ever time , are you expecting someone every time , what is happening ? , Why you always looking so scared ".

"No not at all see I'm perfectly fine now , hey rose ! I forget to tell you that , dad ask me to come home directly , after finishing the college Why? She asked me ."I don't know he ask d me to come that's it , now Can we leave now it already late , ", " I wanted to tell you some things , today you know who is the special guest is ", she asked . " I know ,but I didn't utter any word or which I encountered today with him ", " I just nodded to her . " He is our elder master louis enfiel knight. " Ohh! I just said and shall we leave .I said , she just nodded.

"I know his body guards are roaming here and thier , I need to escape from them .I grabbed her hand , rose wait not front gate , we should use back gate", I said to her . " Why anna ? , Not a word again , rose keep your mouth shut , come back side, she nodded her head without utter anyword, thanks to the god she didn't ask anything to me . I leaved from the place immediately before they catch us .

I above to go , his body guards stand in thier , but Thanks to the God I escaped from his bodyguards.I don't want to meet him again, please God ! help me in this situation .I know we lived in his house only,but I can't lose my dignity to go some one's private room , I thoughted , we reached the mansion ." Rose bye see you tomorrow " ,I wispherd to her ,."Bye Anna and remember we need to start a work in a cafe tommorow onwards ,she remaind me .Yaa I know , bye now , we will meet tomorrow , I said to her and soon I run to the garden house .

I soon entered the hall , I searched him and saw his in the kitchen , "Hi dad" , I wispherd to my dad." Hi darling" ,how's your day today, papa while doing his work in the kitchen , I went to the refrigerator and opened an grabbed the juice bottle , bread and take spills the berry jam over the bed . I served to papa ." What special, and suprise my daughter is given me a good after you come home, what happened in the college, first day , it's fine well.

"Papa ,it's quite well and one more thing, today I need to tell you ," what is it darling ,tell me " Papa said while munching the bread ." Ok dad , closed your eyes ., "Ana why darling ", Papa said with the laugh ." Papa please" , I said to his. He closed my eyes , I took my certificates infront of me . " Now open your eyes papa, . " What is this darling , he said and took my certificates ."what anna , you won hundred percent scholarship , it's so nice darling." Congratulations ! for your success sweetie I'm happy for you now I'm proud of you angel, Papa said with tears in his eyes .

Yes papa, I did it ,I squilled in a happiness.great darling study , you needed to what you wanted and darling,I want to tell you something ," yes dad tell me, ""anna don't angry with me until I spoke ", why I'm angry with you papa ."Anna just listen to me , I had to leave you here, and I'm leaving a Scotland for work process. "My sudden happiness went away immediately" ." what did you say papa? ", are you going for anywork thier. ,"Papa faces looks more sad lingering through ." Its five year contract anna , I kabe to leave you here ", he said to me , it's make me hell shocked

But papa you said here only the work is , so why you leave for the Scotland . Yes dear ! my work is here only , but it's changed by our master as changed me , now I will earn extra money to spend on you , my life is only for you , I do anything for you darling so that's only I'm leaving for you and your life ."Why dad , Don't sacrifice for your life pap see I'm get scholarship , we informed them and leaves this place , " it's inappropriate manner anna , they are gives us shelter to live , don't talk like . Ok papa enough of your advice , I"'m also accompany with you ,I can't able to live without you Papa , I'm only have one in my life , I don't want to separate from you , please papa.", I said with tears are welled up in the lids .

" Even I can't live without you darling ,but your studies are here only , study well darling don't feel mercy for me anna I'm your father . It's matter to me , your my life , I'm sacrifying only for you ana and rose is also here , get attached to her . You didn't feels of miss me darling .I'm often came here when holiday occurs . " Study well , " " No dad , I'm not leave you " , " you have to darling " Exactly you have to say ,good bye to us , I voice come from Peter uncle .

"What you mean uncle , good bye to us ", "I didn't get it" anna dear ,I'm also leaving with your dad, this is not acceptable one,"before I said rose interrupted me ,"Dad even I can't let you go from me like this , see William uncle ." What dad is said ", rose complaint to her dad to my papa."Darling even I'm leaving , " what " rose shouted loudly . " Uncle even you are also leave , rose asked again ." Its five years contract , how we leave and live without you " I asked to them ." Sorry you both we have to do " , uncle Peter said

" Yes darling your dad and me was going to the Scotland for work , that also today night we have a departure. "Today night itself", papa continuouse . I and rose shouted unionly."Yes! "They wispherd unionly ."papa and uncle don't leave us please,we need you both "."Yes dad please" , Rose wisphered " Sorry darlings we have to do , this is for yours both future should included.

" Yes dear," a sound came from Aunt Emma ."Yes ,they are working only for your both the futures only and Don't worry William and Peter they are my daughter's too ,I take care of them now onwards, I ll give them mother'ly care you both are don't worry ,I only had two sons now onwards had a daughter's too . I'm so sorry, I managed to talk with my son , I explained a lot about your situation but he is not even accepting and also a in our company needs a best employees to manage a company , that why he sending both , sorry for this William ,aunt Emma wispherd sweetly

"It's ok mam and by the way, Thank you so much Ma'am, please keep my two daughter's safely my papa said worriedly." No need , William I will take care of them .soon My papa and uncle Peter packed the luggages and finally ready to leave ." I can't express any feeling ."They soon get in the car , and the car started to go , soon I say a sad good bye to our dad's
Bye , we wisphered

Bye , they both wisphered ,soon the car disappeared from our sight

We crying in the floor soon aunt Emma huged us tightly and Pacific us , Don't worry darlings everything will be fine, she wisphered .And then we retarded to the respective segments.

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