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Back in Delminum, our castle, I immediately start looking for Isra. Inside it tears me apart. On the one hand, I feel guilty about telling my brother what I found out about Calandra, on the other hand, I know exactly how he will react, and I don't really need that reaction. Especially since it doesn't help me either. Besides, despair gnaws at me. Calandra now seems so inaccessible to me and I have to admit to myself that I have long since fallen for her! Why do I keep getting hurt? Feelings are very important to me because they make me feel alive. At the same time they make me weak and I get hurt again and again.

I finally find Isra. In her wolf form she lies on the stool in front of my bed. "Finally I've found you!" Tired, she lifts her head, but as soon as she recognizes me, her eyes begin to shine with delight. Her soft voice rings out in my head: "Hello Mistral. How are you?" I can't hide anything from her and sit down next to her. I start to stroke her, that has always calmed me down. And then everything gushes out of me: "Oh God Isra. You have no idea. I'm fine ... I don't know would probably best describe my feelings. "

I try to organize my thoughts in order to be able to describe Isra what concerns me. "I met Calandra again today and finally wanted to know what she is. I asked her about it and ... "I hang my head. In my mind Isra completes my sentence:" She is an angel! " I nod. Isra sits down abruptly and her eyes take on an angry expression. "What should I do now? My heart has long been beating for her! "A few tears run down my cheeks and drip down onto Isra's head." Mistral ... the supreme law ... "I nod, I know it myself. It seems hopeless.

Suddenly I am seized by an irrepressible anger. I get up and get the feeling that the walls are moving towards me. I can hardly breathe and I breathe more and more hectically. It's all too much for me. Isra sits on the stool in shock and watches me, ready to intervene if I don't calm down. And then everything becomes too much for me, I don't know what to do and I can no longer control my anger. I knock over the old desk that my mother gave me. He falls to the ground with a crash. I tear open the drawers and throw all the papers around me. Isra barks and growls at me, mentally begging me to stop, but I can't. "This stupid law!" I shout my frustration into the room. "This supreme law destroys so much and is long out of date!" I go through one cupboard after the other until I hear my brother's footsteps. Attracted by the noise, he stands in the door frame and studies me. Breathing hard, I turn to him. "What's going on?" He asks me, I hear concern but also anger and a little bit of disappointment in his voice.

"Niam, we need to talk!" Says Mistral as he goes back to his bed and sits down on it. "I can see it that way too." Isra sneaks whimpering and with a drawn-in tail - yet ready to protect her soul mate when it matters - to Mistral and lies under his feet, while Niam sits down next to him on the bed. "I'm sorry I left you in the restaurant the other day, but it was just too much for me." "I can understand your reaction, I suppose I would have reacted the same way." "No Mistral, you wouldn't have. You are so different from me. You let your feelings in and reveal that you have a heart. That's exactly what scares me, because that's how mother lost her life. I just don't want the same thing to happen to you as you do. I've lost her, I can't lose you too. ", Niam begins and Mistral sees tears forming in his eyes. Both have never quite overcome the sudden and unpredictable death of their mother." In principle, that's just that supreme law guilty of everything. ", Mistral begins out of nowhere with a completely different topic. Niam wipes his eyes and squints at his younger brother. "What exactly do you mean?"

"During our conversation in the restaurant, I told you about the girl." Mistral begins to tell hesitantly. Niam nods when he remembers what Mistral had told him that day talked and ... well, it turns out I've lost my heart to a seemingly unreachable girl. She's an angel. " Niam tenses and freezes. He slowly turns to Mistral: "That can't be true, right? This is just a joke? "The latter shakes his head negatively:" Why do you react like that? I know that the supreme law forbids any contact with the other beings or any kind of feelings for the other being. But you in particular have never looked around Rules. " Niam nods slowly and yet Mistral senses that something is wrong. "There is a great secret," Niam begins to explain his strange behavior. "Because of this secret, the Supreme Law arose." "What do you mean by that? Which secret? "" I'll show you what I mean, but for that we have to take a little excursion into the past and visit the archives of the chief demons to read in their chronicles what the big secret is. " Mistral nods and together they port themselves to the archive.

The archive is a kind of library. It is located in the center of Banjul but only the rich and high born are allowed in. From the outside the building looks very old, but inside it looks very modern. Gilded panels hang on the book shelves and show the letters of the alphabet. The brothers give their last name and are immediately led to the desired book. The Chronicles of the Upper Demons. The chapter that Mistral should read is partly a narrative, partly documentation, but also semicolon-like notes. Mistral opens the book and begins to read.

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