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I've been lying awake longer than the annoying tone of my alarm clock sounds. I press the stop symbol and get up. Today I am gaining college experience. In the human world it is an "advancement" for many when they go to college. I haven't discovered much that is exciting for myself. I was already annoyed in Delminum about going to school. But I want to dare and have myself up enrolled in No Limits College.

After ten more minutes had passed
I'm still standing in front of the closet and don't know what to wear. I also had this problem in Delminum. Annoyed, I close my eyes and turn twice in circles. Then I reach for a piece of clothing. I open my eyes and examine it: it is a dark red dress with a V-neckline. A frilled tendril runs along the neckline, which also continues asymmetrically on the skirt part and delimits it.
That fits. I change clothes quickly, make myself a coffee and then go looking for my school.

Thirty minutes later
I'm ready to go in front of the college entrance. I just managed to get here on time. I ran back and forth through the city, asked pedestrians and finally found my way on my own with the help of a map app on my mobile phone. I enter the building and hold my breath. High corridors stretch in front of me and at the end of the hallway begins a wide staircase that leads to the second floor. The classrooms are probably there. I walk down the aisle. To my right there are windows and doors that lead out into the school yard. To my left are doors that lead to a school library. I can also see places there where you can learn. All in all, it looks pretty nice here, even if it looks old-fashioned. But that's exactly what I like. A staircase leads down. There is a sign that reads swimming pool. How cool, we even have a swimming pool here if I would like to swim. To the left of the library is the secretariat, which I now enter. "Hello, you have to be Aideen Kevala?" The secretary asks me. "Yes, I am." "Please sit down and wait, your tutor will be coming soon!" I sit down next to another student, ignoring him, and wait.

A few minutes later, a woman, she seems to be in her early 40s, enters the office and walks straight towards us. "Hello, I'm your tutor, Ms. Campell. I will lead you to your classroom and on the way I will give you the timetables. By the way, I'm not your class teacher, "Ms. Campell hadn't emphasized that very much, so it seems to be very important to her." I'm only responsible for you with questions that have to do with the school, "she continues. I nod, that seems logical. We climb the stairs and Ms. Campell leads us from classroom to classroom. Meanwhile I examine the timetable. What kind of subjects are these? Fashion design, history and languages ​​such as German, English and Spanish, among others. (<- the language of angels.) I don't want to become an angel!

Ms. Campell's explanations seem endless. At some point I just switched off because there is just too much information. My head is hammering so hard and a single thought forms in my head: I have to get out of here, that's too much information for me. "Ms. Campell ", I interrupt her speech:" I have to get some fresh air, I suddenly feel very uncomfortable. " "Go ahead, you'll find the way." I nod and leave this leadership team. On the way back to the stairs, I run past the emergency exit and push in the window that says "Fire alarm". A deafening siren sounds throughout the building. The door opens and I go through. Behind it a staircase leads up and down. I climb the stairs and a few minutes later I am on the roof of the college. I walk carefully to the edge of the roof. Below, crowds of students flock outside and gather. From here the whole "monkey theater" looks very funny. I sit down and finally want to enjoy the peace and quiet until I notice that I am not alone.


Can I say of myself today that I am motivated? No I'm not. Do I feel like going back to the people? No I did not. Am I still doing it for Mistral's sake? Yes. I couldn't sleep tonight, so I'm dressed quite early and leave for college just before 8 am. I found this a few days ago and could therefore easily teleport into the entrance hall. Once there, I am already expected by Mr. Price, who staggered back in shock when I suddenly appeared in front of him. He shakes his head, confused, "It was probably a bit too long night yesterday!" He mumbles to himself and leads me into a classroom. I follow him with a diabolical smile and am delighted to have another prank on someone By the time I enrolled in college, I had a schedule and a guided tour.

On the way to the said classroom, I see a female figure in a blood-red dress and red hair in the hallway across the street. However, I do not recognize her face because she has her back to me. This red, so breathtakingly demonic, almost devilish and yet in a certain way seductive and attractive, unforgettable. I would recognize that anywhere because it has burned itself irrevocably into my brain. Is that the little girl from the club? She had the same hair color. How likely was it to meet her here? I watch her out of the corner of my eye and dedicate myself to Mr. Price, who is looking at me waiting. "I'm leaving you now. If you have any questions about school or school assignments, you can contact me at any time. "I nod and he leaves. At that moment the fire alarm siren goes off. Smart girl, she went in unnoticed at the time who I had talked to Mr. Price, pushed in the glass of the alarm and triggered it. Right now she is sneaking through the door and I hurry after her inconspicuously without paying attention to the classmates streaming outside. When I hit the roof When I enter, she is just about to sit down. She must have noticed that she is not alone, because when I am only 5 steps away from her, she turns around and her bright blue eyes widen. Now in daylight I can even see that there are freckles all over her face, which make her look very cute.

"Это не может быть правдой!", She exclaims and anger flashes in her eyes. Angry, she snaps at him: "What are you doing here? Get out!" "I have the same right to be here as you do!" He replies with an amused smile on his face. "I'm not one of those easy to come by." "Well, I didn't expect that from a pretty demon like you," he continues. She looks at him bitterly. "What do you know. You're the spoiled rich demon next door and you have nothing better to do than chase girls . That is why you come into the human world. " For a moment it seems as if something like pain is going through his face, but a moment later he has that insolent grin on his face again. "You always meet three times," he says confidently and turns away with these words. He opens the door and goes back inside the college. Aideen stays angry and feels something like curiosity about who this guy is, who you are too immediately caught her eye at the club, now she had the chance to find out more about him and the game begins ...

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