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It's 2:27 p.m. and I'm still awake in my bed. I stare at the ceiling and think.

I think of Mistral and smile. How nice it would be if it were confirmed that he is actually an angel. I already have half a confirmation, since my mother had explained to me that you can tell what it is by the look of a being. I'm not a professional at this, but Mistral's gaze is neither angry nor angry. More withdrawn, a bit curious but also full of sadness. I really want to know why his gaze is seized with this deep sadness. When I think back more closely to our meeting, I have to smile because his look didn't seem sad at all, but very happy and relaxed.

It may be...? No definitely not. Well, maybe yes. I pick up my cell phone and chat with him. Without thinking what time it is, I write to him. Just a few seconds later, I realize what time it actually is and hit my forehead.

Until it bings. That's the tone because I had hired for news. I look confused at my cell phone and Mistral's name lights up at me. He's still awake! And he answered me with a "Hey, still up so late?". What should I write to him? The truth? Or why I can't sleep? "Yes, I am still awake. Lately I've had a few questions. No, a lot of questions and I don't get or find answers to any of them. " It takes a few minutes before I get an answer from him. "That sounds like a lot of sleepless nights. Can I help you with one or the other question with an answer? "This reaction makes me incredibly happy. Does he help me because I am important to him? Or does he just help me to be nice? to which I don't get any answers at the moment.

"I found out a long time ago that I have a sister." I begin to write to him. "I neither know what she looks like nor what her name is. (My parents separated from my birth and my sister lives with my father) I just know that she is 5 years older than me. ", I keep typing. "And in the last few days my desire or the urge to find them has grown immensely. I just don't know where to start looking for her. "As Mistral types an answer, my mind wanders back to my sister.

I could try to find the girl I ran into in Times Square. Something about her was extremely distracting to me. And suddenly I know what it is. It falls like scales from my eyes. It was the color of her hair! This red that shines as brightly as a ruby ​​in the sun and burns itself unforgettable into the brain. The same red that my mother's hair is also. Why didn't I stumble upon this fact much earlier? But is that why I say she is my sister? Maybe she has brown hair, or blonde like me? How am I ever supposed to find her?

The bing can be heard from my cell phone again. "Okay, that's really awesome. Is there a place that meant a lot to your parents? Maybe you can find her there? ", Is his answer. And that's a brilliant idea. What if this girl is really my sister and maybe also looking for me? But how likely is it, her in the same place And then such a special place could be in Amphypolis or Delminum. I can't search both worlds! And what if it's Times Square? But I can't wait there for hours or days. "Thank you, that is a great idea, I'll ask my mother about it tomorrow. Good night. ", I answer Mistral quickly before I decide to visit Times Square again tomorrow. Maybe I'll meet her there.

"No cause, if I can help then I'll be happy. You can tell me at any time how it looks and whether you have found your sister." I am glad that Mistral is so busy finding solutions to my problems. "And you will surely find answers to your other questions soon. Good night Calandra. ", Comes another message from him. Smiling, I turn off my cell phone. 3:17 am I turn around and shortly afterwards I fell asleep.


8:56 a.m. I'm thinking of my sister again and I'm about to give up. I will never find it. In addition, I hardly have any clues that I can use to orient myself or establish who she is. And suddenly everything turns. I lose my balance and fall. I try to cushion my fall by stretching out my hand and trying to grab the kitchen counter, but I miss it and hit the floor with all my weight. The air is forced out of my lungs and everything goes black around me.

I wake up by shaking my shoulder and look into Xera's worried looking eyes. She holds out a glass of water and helps me sit down. "Oh god Aideen, I just got such a shock." "What are you doing here anyway?" I greedily drink empty the glass of water and look confusedly at Xera. "I tried to reach you. Multiple times! I tried to reach you 5 times in vain, because it is unusual that you do not answer or ignore your phone ringing, I started to worry. So I came here. "I don't even ask how exactly she got in here. My head is pounding and pounding." When I found you here, your forehead was cracked. "

Immediately I touch my forehead and look at my hand to see no blood. A great advantage of being a demon. No matter how badly we injure ourselves, sometimes only a few minutes later the wound has healed again and the area looks completely whole again. I have to get some fresh air. Trembling, I try to get up and can only do it with Xera's help. Something is wrong with me. "Xera, I ... I have to get out of here." "I'll accompany you. In your condition, I'm guaranteed not to leave you alone!" I really just wanna be alone. "No, it's okay. I can do it, you want to ... "Xera understands the hint." I wanted to go shopping in town. The elevator is working again, by the way. "I nod and leave the apartment. I get into the elevator and go downstairs.

Once at the bottom, I make my way to Times Square. This is where I bumped into the strange girl -Calandra- last time. Again and again I wonder if I'll ever find her. The pounding in my head begins to weaken and a short time later I feel like a new person.

A few minutes later.
I wander aimlessly until I see her. She stands in the crowd in front of the Cinet cinema. Her green eyes focus on me and I would recognize these eyes again anywhere. I run to her and hope to finally get certainty.

"Hey crash partner," greets Aideen Calandra. She looks at her apologetically. "I've been looking for you too. I really need to talk to you. Please don't think I'm crazy, ... but I'm looking for mine Sister." Aideen's eyes widen in disbelief. "That might sound very strange but ..." Calandra is interrupted by being almost knocked over by a couple of youngsters who are hurrying towards the cinema. "Let's go to a café," suggests Aideen. "Good idea, I know one that's very close here and the atmosphere is very pleasant there."

After a 10 minute walk
"That's Roseys-Café", Calandra looks expectantly at Aideen. "Well then, go ahead, I'll follow you." One after the other, the two enter the café and sit in a corner on the second floor. Aideen sits down on the bench and Calandra takes a seat across from her on one of the two chairs. "Now go on, I'm curious what you wanted to tell earlier." At first Calandra looks a bit confused before she remembers. As soon as she wants to start talking, an employee comes along. "What do you want to drink?" Aideen replies, slightly annoyed: "An espresso." "And a hot chocolate, small," adds Calandra. Aideen literally tears it up with tension. After the clerk left, Calandra starts talking.

"As I said before, I'm looking for my sister. I don't know much about her, just that she lives with my father and is 5 years older than me. "" That sounds really very interesting and I can tell you that I feel the same way. I'm also looking for my sister. She should be your age. " Now Calandra opens her eyes. "I have reason to believe that you ... that maybe you are my sister."

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