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Startled, I wake up in the middle of the night bathed in sweat. I look around and only realize at second glance where I am: in New York, my apartment on the 15th floor. I dreamed of this strange girl (my crash partner from the city) and then suddenly a thought shot through my head. My father told me many, many years ago that I had a twin sister who was younger than me.

Can she...? Is Calandra my sister? Since I met her in town, I've been thinking about her all the time. Why did she react so strangely to me? Why did I find her eyes so fascinating? Is it her? Lots of questions are buzzing around in my head and I can no longer have a clear thought. I have to be able to do something? I get up and go into the kitchen. I get a glass out of the cupboard and fill it with tap water. I drink this greedily in one gulp. It's nice and cool and my pulse slowly calms down. I look at the clock hanging by the door. 4:57 am. I decide to sit on the couch in the living room and fill the glass again.

Two hours later
I watch the sun rise over New York. Soft, bright rays fall into the living room and the sky shines in a delicate pink-orange hue. I have to admit that the sunrise over the rooftops of New York is really beautiful to watch. When I was younger I always wished to see the sun rise in Delminum. We hardly have any bright days in Delminum. Somehow understandable, because it's hell. We had a moon, at night it was white and lit up brightly - depending on how many clouds there were - Delminum. During the day the moon shone blood red and plunged my home, my home, into a seemingly threatening realm. I liked it, but it was also something very special for me to experience a sunrise, from now on almost every day.

I couldn't sleep anymore and pick up my cell phone at 7:38 am. Time to ask my father about it. He finally needs to tell me more about my sister. "Good morning dear. Has something happened? ", His voice sounds tired and at the same time fearful." What are you doing today? Do you have time to come over? " "Yes, of course, but what's going on?" He asks. There is concern in his voice. "We need to talk!" With these words I hang up. Let him think what he wants, he should have told me more about my sister a long time ago! I grind my teeth angrily, a stupid habit of mine.

Just a few minutes later, I regret that I hit my father like that and then just ended the conversation without saying anything. What is wrong with me?

In the afternoon of the same day.
The doorbell rings and I open the door. My father is standing in front of it. "Come in." "What's going on?" He looks at me questioningly. He looks so hurt. I go to the couch, sit down and indicate that he should sit down too. "We need to talk! Now! ", I look at him seriously. He swallows." It's about your sister! " I nod and tell him briefly what happened to me in town. He swallows again and closes his eyes. Then he takes a deep breath and opens his eyes again. There is no emotion or feeling in his gaze. "Well, listen carefully to me!"

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