Chapter Seventeen: Hard Truths all Around

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Hard Truths all Around

What the hell do you think you’re doin’ Eric!

Aiden’s fist slam into Eric’s face in quick succession as his voice reverberated inside his cousin’s head. 

You doona understand, you meddlin’ oaf!

Eric punched Aiden in the kidneys, gaining a brief reprieve that allowed him to roll his cousin and slip a choke hold and keep him at bay, “Don’t make me hurt you, Aiden. You have it all wrong. Let me explain.”

Being away from Lori seemed to help Eric’s clarity over the entire situation. He didn’t want to hurt his cousin considering the mess he’d made of everything else tonight. The last thing he needed was to do something that could not be undone to his best friend and last surviving family member.   

As it was, Aiden didn’t require the use of his mouth and throat to be heard.  

Explain to me what I doona understand about what I just saw in there, Eric? Attackin’ a defenseless woman, Lori no less. A fucking human! Have you gone mad? Any woman in the kingdom would gladly have you, but you force yourself on the one lass that doesna.

Aiden slipped Eric’s hold and elbowing him in the gut, resumed to punch some sense into his thick skull, cursing and calling him every detestable name he could spit out in rapid succession.  

I didna force her you stupid fool!

“Doona lie to me!” Aiden yelled, rearing back for another punch.

Eric had had enough of being overly careful with his cousin. He shifted on his side, and brought his head up so Eric’s fist landed on the hard part of his skull, breaking three fingers in Aiden’s fist. He rose a little and bashed his head into his cousin’s nose. Aiden made a wet gurgling sound as he staggered off him but not before Eric managed to send him one final message.

She’s my mate you bloody shit!

His cousin’s hands froze in midair as he was bringing them up to staunch the flow of blood from his broken nose, “What did you say?” he asked, sounding slightly nasally.  

“You heard me you jackass. She’s my mate. Now, will ya kindly stop slappin' me around like a jilted barmaid so I can explain?” he asked, kicking Aiden’s legs off him. Eric then began to do some quick damage control to assure his cousin that the situation was not what it appeared to be.  

When he was done was a brief and slightly censored account of what happened, Aiden’s eyes narrowed as they studied him, “Truly, you were not attackin' the lass, then?”

“Nay, cousin. Not in the manner in which you think. We were kissin’ and things got…carried away.” Just the thought of what he and Lori had done caused Eric's skin to grow uncomfortably tight all over. He shifted a little to hide the worst of it from his cousin’s sharp eyes.

“Why was Lori’s gown torn?”

Eric took a few calming breaths before answering, “I was…impatient,” he finally admitted, “But I swear on my soul I didna do anything to Lori she didna want.” he left out the fact that he’d been sorely tempted to do a hell of a lot more than was proper, but he’d managed to keep both her honor and his soul intact. 

“The lass was cryin’…” Aiden sighed, tilting his head back in an attempt to control the bloodflow, “That doesna exactly paint you in the best light, cousin.”

Catch, Curse, Release (Immortal Warriors #1) ✅ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now