Chapter Twelve: Momma Said Knock You Out

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Momma Said Knock You Out

The next day, upon waking Lori had a brief, glorious moment where she’d forgotten exactly where she was. Momentarily confused she blinked sleepily and looked around. As her eyes began to focus she saw Desmond lying next to her, head cocked in his palm as he stared at her.  

“Morning princess,” he winked before flashing a sexy little smile.

Yesterday’s events came crashing down hard and fast. Cursing she leapt out of bed and cursed again as her head exploded in a symphony of pain. “Aarghh!” she groaned gripping her head.

“Too much wine dear?” Desmond asked innocently.

Her fingers rubbing her temple she gave him a nasty glare, “Get out.”

“Can’t. We have to talk,” he said, flopping onto his back and reminding her of a large house cat. A very sinister and evil house cat she thought miserably.

“Not unless we’re talking about me leaving,” she snapped, irritated beyond belief just by Desmond’s very existence. Why, out of all the women in New York City, was she the one he’d targeted for such misery? Maybe she’d done something horrifically terrible in a past life. That was the only reasonable explanation she could come up with at this point. 

“No can do, princess. You’re here until you jump into good lord McKenna’s warm bed,” he looked at her thoughtfully, “you know, I think you really could have too, after that performance last night. You were so on by the way,” he jumped up and gave himself a high-five before jumping off the bed and landing in front of her with a flourish.

“Gee, thanks,” she mumbled taking a few cautionary steps backward. It wasn’t nearly far enough.  

Des clapped his hands together and rubbed them excitedly, “Ok, back to business. You’ve got twenty-nine days left to seal the deal and I suggest you don’t waste any more time.”

“Are you defective? I told you, I’m not going along with any of this, you nutter. I didn’t ask to come here, remember?” she snapped but groaned again as her head felt like it was splitting into several pathetic pieces. Her poor head couldn’t take all the spinning the room was insisting on either and she felt like she might actually throw up. Good she thought evilly, she was going to make sure she hurled all over Desmond’s beautiful silk shirt. Maybe even his leather boots – they were so shiny they made her eyes water.

She really was going to be sick Lori realized. Thinking better of any more sudden movements, she sat down in one of the big rocking chairs as Desmond began pacing in front of her.

Lori did her best to ignore him, instead she thought about the mess her life must have turned into back home. The second she got back she would have to try and salvage her shitty job, hope that her power and cell phone hadn’t been shut off, and see about her plants. With Jerry the Jerk gone, there was no one around to even remotely take care of them. Ok, so maybe they were technically dead but they still needed some love and attention. She hated seeing anything, even her dismally brown and wilting plants, suffer.   

“C’mon Lori, stop thinking about your pathetic life. It's freaking depressing.”

"No, it’s my totally normal life and I’ll think about it all I want.”

"God, you are so delusional.”

“Me?” she choked.

“Yeah, you. Really, who’s kidding who around here? You saw Eric McKenna. You know every little estrogen-filled cell inside that hot body of yours wants him”

Catch, Curse, Release (Immortal Warriors #1) ✅ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now