T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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<So cry me a fucking river and drown in it, bitch>


"PHEW! THANK you Lord." I sighed in relief, stretching out my fatigued body. Exams were finally over and I wanted to do nothing more than go home and drop on my bed, sleeping till thy kingdom come. I'd been cooped up reading in my room and writing in the hall for so long.

I trudged down the hallway to my locker. Jayden was meant to wait for me there once he was done with his own paper and it was surreal. I still couldn't believe that I really had a boyfriend.

The sight of someone blonde and bitchy had my blood boiling hotly through my veins, forcing me to do a double take.

Kissing my teeth, I clamped my fist tight.

She'd cornered Jayden, her hands spread on his chest and practically shoving her sheer unclad boobs into his face. Jayden, ever the gentleman, was striving to be polite and escape out of her unrelenting hold.

What the fuck?! I seethed, seeing red. The day to finally punch the daylights out of Katharina was here! How dare she try to seduce my boyfriend? Who did she think she was?

"What's going on here?" I asked quietly. The calm before the storm.

"Who the fuck are you to ask me that? Can't you see that Jayden and I were having a little talk?" Katharina spun around, a malicious gaze painted on her face.

I overlooked her for the meantime, pivoting a glance at Jayden. A grateful smile lingered on his lips now that Katharina was off him. His grin almost had me smiling in return but I wouldn't until the irksome problem at hand was solved.

"I'm his girlfriend. The only person meant to have a 'little talk' with him," I sneered and came to stand beside Jayden, handing him my belongings.

Now in front of me, Katharina began giggling, her face and her tone a mask of pure disgust. "Aren't you a pathetic fool? Just ask yourself this question. Why would any boy want to be with you huh? I mean you can't even satisfy a boy properly with your skinny hideous body and how can you? When you're a two goody goody shoes and a prude. And in case you've forgotten, I'll be glad to remind you about your disastrous relationship with Kian. Wasn't Kian playing with you and you think that Jayden won't do that too? So sad. To think that someone as ugly as you with your black stinking skin can ever date a hottie like Jayden."

Her hateful words rang in my ears and it was as if a nut had rolled away from the intricate mechanism of my head. Black thunderstorms of ire clouded my mind and I literally had to take in a deep breath to clear away the rage threatening to engulf my whole being.

"Calm down Olayinka," I murmured, counting backwards from 10 to 1. It wasn't working.

"Shut the hell up. That's my girlfriend you're talking about." Jayden's stance reeked of displeasure, his eyes blazing fire and jaw ticking.

"Oh please, spare me that. Your girlfriend won't give it to you like I would." She sashayed up to him and ran a perfectly manicured finger across his lips, her cloying perfume overpowering us, the smell almost making me gag.

A smirk glazing her blood red lips, she lifted her fingers and gestured a call me later sign to him.

That was it! The chains holding my anger snapped and I rushed to her position, whirling her enroute towards me and backhanded her, the force with which I'd hit her resounding in the hallway.

Fuck being a good citzen. I was a Naija girl and Naija girls no dey carry last!

She clutched her cheek, the imprint of my palm engraved on her face and exhilaration flooded me at her discolored face.

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