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<All my friends are naughty. Then there's me, the holy one>


"HEY, KIAN! You finally made it!" Katharina exclaimed with a smile in her voice.

"Guys, let's give an applause for the person who kinda made this party possible, without him we wouldn't be here!" I spotted her raising her arms upwards in invitation, like she was announcing that The Messiah had come to visit them.

Ha, I scoffed, hiding behind Kian. I was yet to be seen.

Claps, cheers and whoops bellowed from the excited throngs of teens. Some moved closer, about to give Kian a big pat on the back and then they saw me. Darn it, my cover was blown.

Their hands stopped mid-air and they gaped at me.

"What?" Kian asked, his demeanor screaming of innocence, like he didn't know what he had done bringing me here. Where I wasn't wanted.

"Any reason why she's here?" Noah sneered at me. His friends nodded. I wished their heads would fall off.

"I have the right to bring a plus-one. It's none of your fucking business." Kian glared at them.

Meanwhile, I observed the mosaic tiled floor, wishing I hadn't agreed to come to this godforsaken party. The floor was actually interesting to look at. Yeah, right.

Glancing up, his friends appeared like they wanted to murder me. They were still bickering.

"I don't understand, Kian. Of all the plus-one on this fucking Earth, you had to bring that black trash. Seriously?" Katharina pointed a finger at me, a get-the-fuck-outta-here look written all over her face.

"For your info, since it seems you got me wrong. Jamila's not trash and should'nt be called ugly names. I've told you before and I'm repeating it again. For the last time," he told her, his tone serious.

Awed, I gazed at him. He was standing up for me. Honestly, had he changed this much? God, this was more than weird. Like last Monday he'd pushed me to the ground and now, he was fighting for me?

Katharina slowly brought her finger down, a glower kissing her countenance.

He continued, "And what don't you understand? Yes, I invited her. You've got a problem with that?"

"Yes, I do. You could have brought me instead, not her." She pouted and came closer, fingering his black jacket.

"No thanks. As you can see I'm already with someone else." He pried her fingers off him.

"I'm so heartbroken Kian," she dramatically said and turned to me, glared, a jealous look marring her painted face. Yeah, painted face. Who applies that much make-up?

I looked away thinking, bitch, I'm not interested, you can take him. Not everyone digs the bad boy.

"Glaring doesn't suit your face, hon. It makes you damn ugly." Kian smirked at her, his eyes flinty cold.

"What?!" she spluttered, mouth open and staggering back like she had been hit. And why didn't she slip on the floor? Those stilettos she was wearing should have helped her kiss the ground.

Kian's friends muttered, still studying me like they were trying to find out one thousand and one ways to kill me. And if they were, I wish them bad luck.

"Okay, I've had enough." He pulled me closer and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, almost dislodging my cap.

No no and no, I'm not liking touchy Kian. Scrunching my face, I stopped myself from sniffing his stupid rosemary scent that he always carried around him.

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