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<Wake up beauty it's time to beast.>


"HUH?" MY dumb self asked.

"I want you to come to the party. You're coming right?" he said slowly, perhaps waiting for his words to sink in.

It was really getting cold here. I pulled my hoodie tighter to my body.

"I'm not sure about that. And why do you want me to come? Watching the game isn't enough? Kian, I honestly don't know what you're playing at." My voice laced with irritation rose higher, attracting people's attention. Not only was I invited to a boring game, and now a party. What was going on here?

Kian noticed and led me to the empty seats higher up the bleachers. We sat down. Darkness was fast approaching and I could see people moving away. At that moment I wanted to be in their shoes.

"No offense but you don't go out much, that I'm aware of. You also have no friends at all, so you don't get to be invited to parties and I'm also responsible for that," he pointed out. Like I needed someone to point out what I already knew.

"Wait a minute. . ." Right now I was pissed off. Who the hell was he to tell me what to do? Yes, I didn't get to go to parties but what if I liked it that way? And it wasn't any of his business in the first place.

He continued, "So I'm trying to make it up to you for all the fun you've missed out on over the years."

Placing his hands on my shoulder he came closer, that woodsy scent of his with a tinge of rosewood enveloping me. It was overwhelming so I held my breath and shifted backwards. Why was he being so touchy? Hadn't he the other day said that he might contract a disease from me? Besides, it's not as if him placing those hands on me will make me decide.

"Hands off please and stop coming closer. Thank you," I stated. Well if Kian said he's changed now---which I doubted---then I can too by speaking my mind nicely. And seriously dude, you can't just put your hands on my body anytime you feel like.

"Sorry, I'm probably stinking like a wet dog." He dropped his hands and moved away. Good.

"I really want you to come. Just say you'll be there. Please?" He faced me. In the receding light, I couldn't make out his face so I didn't know whether he actually wanted me to come to this party.

"I don't know." I closed my eyes and breathed the night air deeply, enjoying the rush of fresh air into my lungs. I didn't want to go because I refused to believe he had changed just like that.

Olay just accept. The guy's trying you have to admit, first the game and now to a party. He must be changing. After all you said you're not a chicken right? Show me! And this, my friends, is how peer pressure began or in this case, mind pressure. It's official now, I hate my mind.

Someone called out, "Heyy Kian! Who the fuck are you necking with up there? Forget that bimbo and come down. The party's in 20 minutes."

My eyes went wide open. Me, a bimbo? And necking? With Kian of all people? Eww no. Man, that person needs to get his eyes checked but then with no light and the way we were sitting must have made it seem like we were doing something.

"Fucking shut up Noah. We're not necking, I'm just talking to her and for the record she's not a bimbo. Chill, I'm coming!" he shouted back at Noah. How did he know it was Noah by the way? Oh yeah, his voice.

"Whatever you say bro, I'm here to remind you to be fast. We're all waiting." With that, Noah's footsteps faded away.

Kian emitted a long deep breath. "Sorry about that. So are you coming or not to Noah's party?"

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