T W E N T Y - E I G H T

630 111 81

<Change the game, don't let the game change you - Macklemore>


"WE'RE HERE?" I asked Kian when he drove through the clearing to park the car in front of a cluster of cabins. Exactly at 3pm. The guy was a stickler for arriving right on time.

"Yup we are. Beautiful place isn't it?" Kian inquired, shutting down the engine and clicking on a button to unlock the doors.

"Yes, it's pretty cool," I acknowledged as I still sat in the Audi, taking in the quiet--- except for the chirping and cawing of birds--- and cool scenery before me.

In the afternoon sunlight, stood, a distance away, tall, evergreen trees, glittering leaves fluttering in the mild wind. Creepers clung to their woody stems, a handful of shrubs grew in the spaces between huge buttress roots and wild flowers added a touch of raw and untamed beauty to the already alluring environment. They enclosed around the cabins forming a fence of some sort.

The cabins, situated in the middle of the trees, which at first glance had seemed to be a cluster, were just six in number and built very close to each other. Sturdy and moderate with shingle roofs, their exterior was made of timber planks and a small veranda on which I could see a couple of people milling around, occupying the front, most dragging their luggages with them inside.

All in all, it appeared to be the perfect place to spend a three days holiday. Woo hoo!

"Come on." He was already moving out of the car as he talked, going over to the rear. I came out too but instead of joining him, stretched my arms up towards the cloudless blue sky. I had been cooped up for so long sitting down.

"Here are your belongings, Jamila. I'll not be coming along yet, I need to go see to some things first." He handed me a key after he'd finished setting my bag on the neat sandy ground which would soon be littered by some teenager's excesses, like a crumpled booze cup for one.

"That's the key to room five, located by the left once you go in. Room five is reserved for you, Jayden, one other girl and I."

He must have seen the look of disbelief on my face because the next thing he said was, "Yes, we're sleeping in the same room and please stop with the face. Surely you can't expect to be given one room all to yourself."

"What?! No I don't expect that. How can I when everyone in senior year is coming? The reason for my face is because I wasn't aware girls will be sharing a room with the boys!" My brows shot even higher on hearing him confirming my thought.

"Mhmm, you're aware now aren't you? And don't worry, Miss Prim and Proper, there's a bunk bed available for each of us and a separate bathroom too."

"Still," I complained. "I haven't slept in a room with other people, most especially people of different gender before. It kinda feels weird to me."

"Okay Miss Weird Prim and Proper, there's another option but not one I know you'll like. If you prefer to be alone, I can arrange a separate room for you. But then, I would have to stay with you. And there's only one bed. And a bathroom. Your choice."

A smirk curled along his lips until the level of my heated stare made him raise his hands in surrender, an innocent mien stealing the smirk away. "Chill will ya? I told you that you wouldn't agree so I guess you'll be staying with us or you can hightail it back to Penfield. Come on, staying with us won't be that bad. So just relax and try to have fun Jamila. Catch you later."

He chuckled, a low mocking laugh--- probably at my statement that I couldn't sleep with others--- then walked away whistling, my glare targeted in his direction.

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