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<No one knows us 'cos no one knows the loneliest person>


FOOD, AMAZING, delicious food is life. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.

Besides the library, the cafeteria was my favorite place in the whole school and it's not because of the people but the food. Savory concoctions were my weakness and the food served here was incredible.

I stepped into the long line and about a hundred people seemed to be in front of me. Okay, I was exaggerating but hunger made me delusional.

A while ago, Mom had suggested that I come with my own lunch. It was of course healthier and I didn't have to stand on this dastardly long line but Kian and his 'friends' made fun of me till I stopped about a year ago.

Finally, I thought as I got to the lunch lady, a red-faced, tired looking woman sweating profusely despite the various air conditioners here. There wasn't any doubt that standing up for hours to serve students who didn't appreciate your efforts could make you exhausted.

"Yes? What would you like today?" she asked using a white handkerchief to wipe away the sweat on her face.

My gaze shifted to the counter, undecided and tempted to have a bit of every single thing. There were many dishes to choose from. Mac and cheese was on the menu. So was grilled chicken, chicken nuggets, chicken parm, fries, fruits and fruit juices of all the fruits I liked: orange, apple, strawberry and pineapple.

"Young lady, there's still a long line behind you," the woman pointed out, her fatigue showing in her voice.

"Sorry Ma'am, but it's just so hard to choose. Everything here looks so delicious," I said, still gazing at the food displayed.

Someone jabbed me from behind. "Can you get on with it already?" the annoyed voice asked. I rolled my eyes.

Okay, Olay, stop being picky and choose already.

"Uhmmm. . . I need some mac and cheese, grilled chicken, two apples and a glass of pineapple juice. Thank you." When I had stopped carrying a lunch bag to school, Mom had insisted I eat nutritious meals and I tried to follow her orders.

"Okay, here you are." She began putting what I had requested on a metal tray.

"Here you go. Next!" She handed me the tray.

"Thank you Ma'am," I replied, glad that I was finally going to eat.

"You're welcome dear. I hope you enjoy your meal." The woman gave me a wan smile.

"Sure thing!" I smiled back and walked over to the only available table, the one close to the waste bin.

Since I had no friends, I stayed alone at a table. Nobody was willing to invite me over and I knew better than to ask, I could survive alone.

Sitting down, I dug in. My taste buds exploded immediately when the grilled chicken reached my tongue. It was hot, spicy and made my mouth water. They sure made good food here. I went on with the mac and cheese. It was great too but what I'd enjoyed most was the grilled chicken. In no time I was done eating. Only the two apples and my fruit juice remained.

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