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<Sometimes all we need is a badboy in a shining jacket>


**Trigger warning: triggering scene ahead.**

TO ALL those thinking I stayed back to let Kian kiss me, you're wrong. Wrong with a capital W.

There was definitely no way I was letting him get my first kiss. Even if he was the finest guy on Earth and had the greatest personality. Less even if it was a dare. No freaking way.

For me to kiss a guy means that he has to be loved. By me. I'm a hopeless romantic and hopeless romantics hope they fall hopelessly in love with someone out there. Sue me then if I'm waiting for a soulmate.

Fantasy fantasy, bad mind sniggered. Shut up!

What I had kindly done was to run. Yes, I ran. Away from the party. There had been no other option, well, apart from allowing him to kiss me--- which was a total no no, slap him--- to get him returned to his senses and I think it would have worked but nah, I'll be dead before I know it, faint--- sometimes it came in handy or run. And run I had. I know, I know I make the worst decisions.

And the award for Worst Decision Maker of the Year goes to Olayinka Jamila Kincade! Cheers, people, bad mind whispered sarcastically. I mentally face palmed.

My breath came out in pants; I probably looked like a salivating dog, tongue lolling and starving for breath. Seriously, I need to start exercising more because the little run I had just participated in now had left my heart pounding. I tried to calm myself down by counting from 10 to 1. It kind of helped because my heartbeat slowly returned to normal.

I reached for my cap. Darn, it wasn't on my head anymore. It must have fallen off during my ridiculous run. Finally, that cap got its wish to leave my head. Traitor. I hope I still find it though. It was the best of all the caps I had. Dad had given it to me on my sixteenth birthday.

Where was I, I wondered. In my mad dash from that stupid party I had gotten lost. In a house that I wasn't even familiar with. Great.

I sank to the red carpeted floor with my back against the painted wall. The wall radiated coolness and cool was what I needed right now. I studied where I was. Lucky me, at least here it wasn't dark and things tended to go bump in the dark according to what I've read. And heard.

I must have reached the hallway in my blind run because millions and millions of closed doors leading to the unknown met my vision. Okay, I'm exaggerating but this house is gigantic.

Honestly, I thought as I looked upwards, how many maids were needed to maintain it? It must cost a lot of money. And not what I needed to think now, I had other important things to ponder about. Like that stupid dare for one.

Closing my eyes, I imagined what people that had witnessed my weird dash from the room might be saying or thinking. I wouldn't be surprised if they were laughing and making fun of me right now. And Kian might be among, perhaps laughing the most. He was probably wishing he didn't bring a dork like me to the party. What did he expect though? That I'll be okay with everything?

I heaved out a tiny sigh. Well, I shouldn't be bothered in any way. After all, I was the queen of freaks and I had just made a dramatic exit. So what? As the queen I had the right to do whatever I wanted. Queens made the rules and got away with anything.

That still doesn't justify the run, Olay, good mind hushed. You're supposed to be on my side!

Standing up, I decided to go back to the party, irrespective of what had occurred a few minutes ago. It was better there than here; at least I was surrounded by people. Staying here alone was already giving me the chills.

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