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<It's crazy how they can switch up on you and change into a person you never expected>


I TOOK the script paper offered to me by Ms. May.

"So the script which I'm giving you guys is to be performed now and you have five minutes to carefully go through it. You'd better do that immediately because I will be randomly choosing the actors. And it's a test! A fun one if I may add," she announced, walking back and forth, her pointed black heels making a clicking sound.

Everyone in class---I wasn't an exception---groaned loudly not seeing the fun in anything she said. What's with teachers and tests today? I mean it's just the second week of school. They should give us a fracking break. Another reason to hate Penfield.

Speaking of tests by the way, I wondered how I fared in chemistry. I had paid no attention whatsoever then, I was rather busy staring at Jayden and if I manage to get a C that's fine by me. Not.

"Groan all you want but my decision is final, loves." Ms. May's brown eyes glinted with humour, a fact that she was enjoying this. Sadist.

I glanced at the paper. Ugh! A Romeo and Juliet scene, again. We've acted it so many times before and it's becoming a humdrum performance. Couldn't we act out Macbeth, like the time he met those witches? Or Othello, when he killed his wife Desdemona in a fit of jealousy? Come on, adventure or mystery is better than romance sometimes.

Says the queen of romance herself, good mind teased.

Choosing not to reply, I continued reading the cringy love scene. For real, that part on the balcony with Juliet gazing at the moon and Romeo standing beneath is extremely cheesy. I hope Ms. May won't pick me, I really wasn't interested in being dramatic and spewing out old English words. No please.

"Your minutes are up people! Heads up!" Ms. May's lilting voice carried through the airy room.

A profound feeling of apprehension hung in the air as we all held our breath, waiting.

"Katharina as Juliet!"

Phew, the class visibly sighed out, shoulders which were hunched up before came down. Thank God I wasn't chosen.

Katharina, the most irritating human being in this fracking world, sashayed out and stood on the stage situated in front. It was a makeshift one, just a series of raised sturdy wooden boards pinned to each other. She observed her voodoo black nails, her signature bored sneer on. If it was my mom, she'd say Katharina was dry, according to her Nigerian slang and it was a hundred percent accurate. The girl just didn't know how dry she was. Her "I don't give a fuck" attitude was boring as frack and to be frank, no one cared.

"Don't thank your stars already. I'm yet to choose the male lead." Our drama teacher turned her brown frizzy hair in all directions as she scanned for her next prey.

That apprehensive feeling returned once more, albeit stronger this time around. Probably because the boys didn't want to put down their egos and pride in professing an undying love for a girl, even if it was a show.

Ms. May had an evil grin on her face, I was almost tempted to join her.

"You, the young man beside Jamila." Yeah, Jayden was sitting down next to me again. He was new here after all and I still felt guilty about lunch so I escorted him to his classes, which surprisingly were my classes too. Kismet? Don't think so. We had become friends now and I had to admit, my very first friend in this fracking school.

I know it's surreal huh?

What about Kian? Isn't he your friend? bad mind asked. No. I refused to give any other thought to Kian. Look what thinking of him cost me in Chemistry class.

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