37. The Notes

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You and Oikawa get to the school.

After calming down and breathing clearly, you started to feel bad for almost ruining the entire relationship. You don't know what you would've done if he actually let you end things. It was in the heat of the moment.

It felt like he was trying so hard to pry it out of me... And yes, relationships need communication, but I'm still trying to process myself what I heard... I mean c'mon! It's absolutely soul crushing when you hear in more detail how someone you loved died. I didn't need to know it. I wish I never asked that golden-eye airhead what he was keeping from me.


You snap out of your thoughts and look up at Oikawa, thinking it was him who had called your name. Instead Oikawa was looking in front of you. Confused, you look at the same area to see what he was looking at. Instead of a something, it was a someone.

Eizen Kaneko

You have got to be kidding me-

"[Name], talk to me, please," Eizen pleads.

Oikawa does his classic look where he obviously shows he is looking down at that person. "And why would she talk to you after you threw her into a table."

"Oikawa," Eizen grits his teeth. "Not now, this doesn't concern you."

"Yes it does." Oikawa wraps his arm around your shoulder.

You could barely get a word in, so you just decided to let them have their little argument.

"Cute, yes, everyone knows you two are together," Eizen rolls his eyes, "blah blah blah."

"Kaneko," you finally speak. "I really don't want to talk to you."

"[Name], please, I can't lose you too. I-"

"Don't you have somewhere to be Kaneko?" Oikawa says sassily. "Like baseball practice?"

Eizen folds his arms then looks at Oikawa up and down. "And don't you have somewhere to be Oikawa?" He mocks him. "Like volleyball practice?"

You could feel the tension in the air as the two stared each other down.

"At least I'm the captain," Oikawa says with a wink.

You could physically see the fire that was in Kaneko's eyes as his eyebrows furrow downward. "You did not just go there Oikawa."

"I think I just did."

"You absolute-"

"KANEKO EIZEN." You hear a loud, bold voice come from behind Kaneko. It was another member of the baseball team. "Just leave them alone. [Name] isn't worth your time anymore. We're going to be late. I don't know about you, but I don't want to run an extra lap so hurry your ass up."

"Just one second."

The guy takes a bite of his protein bar. "Whatever man. Your lungs and energy, not mine." He states as he walks towards the baseball field.

"[Name]," Kaneko looks over at you. "I'm sorry for what I said yesterday, I really am. I had to get it off my chest. It was killing me. I know you probably saw the news but you deserved the full story. I'm sorry again, I have to go." He quickly readjusts his bag that has his baseball bats and other gear before lightly jogging off towards the baseball field.

"You talked with him yesterday? What?" Oikawa questions, looking at you.

You just look at him guilty, "More or less."

"What? Why? Is that why I didn't see you in class?"

"I was in the art room then," you say, tugging on the jacket to his sleeve to hint that he should probably getting to his volleyball practice. "It was at a different time that I spoke with him."

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