22. Our Thing

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"Finally, I found you guys."

"Iwa-chan!!" Oikawa runs up to go hug his friend.

"Get off of me." Iwa pushes Oikawa off of him.

"Why are you so grumpy?"

"Well I don't know... " Iwa starts sassily, "I've just spent the last hour and a half looking for you guys. You said you needed help and urgently."

"Sorry, we were in the haunted house and then before that [Name] took me on a scary rollercoaster!" Oikawa pouts and crosses his arms.

"You texted me... for that?"

"Yes, indeed."

"Well look on the bright side Iwa! You can join us on our journey in the theme park now." You budge in, hoping to help Iwa think this trip was worth while.

Iwa sighs, "I guess you're right."

"Yay!" Ame exclaims, "Since you just made it here, you can pick the next ride we go on!"

Iwa smirks and looks at Oikawa, "I'd like to go on that new rollercoaster... What is it called?"

"Iwa-chan don't do this."

"I think it's called... Screamin' Terror?"

"Iwa no."

"I'm down!" You Ame say in unison.

"Yeah why not." Arashi shrugs his shoulders.

"nO, PleAsE."

"Sorry buddy," Iwa puts his arm around Oikawa's shoulder, "It's four against one."

Oikawa looks at you and you reply with a wink.

"Damn it."

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"Okay the next three people aboard please." An employee says.

"Next three?" Ame looks around. "There's five of us."

"That's okay," You say, "Two of us can stay behind until the next cart."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Who's going to stay behind with me?"

"I will," Oikawa says.

"Okay sweet!" Ame says, clapping her hands together. "Looks like it's just me, Arashi and Iwaizumi." Ame steps onto the ride.

"Don't be making out while we're gone." Arashi winks and steps on the ride behind Ame.

You roll your eyes and smile.

Iwa steps onto the ride next to Arashi. "See you two on the other side."

Once they get buckled in and strapped down the ride takes off at lightning speed and following it are screams.

"Oh no," Oikawa gulps. "Is it hot in here or is it just me?" He starts to fan himself by lifting the collar of his shirt up and down.

"So dramatic."

"You're not scared at all?"

"Oh I'm scared."

"Then how are you so.. okay with this?!"

"I love the thrill," you smile. "Something about the risk, you know?"

"Yeah... I get that."

"Okay, next people get on please." The employee calls out.

You look at Oikawa, "Are you going to be okay?"

He smiles, "Yeah... It's about time I take some risks."

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