3. The Natsumi Twins

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You got to school a little later than the other three because the route you took was a bit longer. Luckily, you still made it in time for class and your head had stopped throbbing.


You turned around to see your friends Ame and Arashi. People from your school referred to them as "The Natsumi Twins".

Ame's beauty and charisma helps her to always get her way. She was friends with everyone and could ruin anyone's reputation with just a few words. Ame only went that far though if you crossed a line with her. Though anyone who did cross a line was basically asking for their life to go down the drain. Everyone always believed Ame because she was "too nice" to lie. You're definitely glad to be her best friend, she protects you at all costs and would never do that to you. You're someone who won her loyalty and she won yours.

While Arashi was quite handsome himself and was also very intelligent. He wasn't a twig, but wasn't necessarily buff either. He basically had his muscles defined, but that's about it. Arashi kept to himself and was usually very quiet around people he didn't know. He could come off as intimidating since he was super tall and had a deep, raspy voice. His resting bitch face didn't help with that either. He always has that 'I hate you and everyone in this fucking place' look. Arashi comes off mean but deep down he's a sweetheart, but only people who are super close with him would know that.

Those two are definitely a force to be reckoned with.

Ame was someone you met during your first year here and you haven't left her side since. She has long black hair and dark gray eyes.

Her twin brother, Arashi has the same shade of black hair, it's super messy and all over the place, but it adds to his character. He also has gray eyes as well, but if you look closely you can also see a hue of blue in them.

You also always thought it was cute how their parents named them since Ame means "rain" and Arashi means "storm".

"Ame! Arashi!" You flash them a big smile. The three of you walk side by side, you in the middle, while you head into the school.

"You're here a little later than usual," Arashi says, looking down at you.

"Yeah I took the longer route today."

"Oh?" Arashi looks at you confused before continuing, "Why did you do that?"

"Nami was teasing me about something that happened this morning and I wasn't in the mood to deal with it."

"Sounds like something she'd do," Ame chuckled, budding into the conversation.

The first bell rang, indicating that everyone should start heading to class. Ame waved and started heading off in the other direction like she does every morning, while you and Arashi start heading towards your classes. Arashi's class is right next to yours so most mornings he walks with you.

You guys get to your class and you thank him at the doorway before heading inside. You walk over to your desk and sit down. You start to unpack your stuff, such as a pencil, a notebook, and a folder. After you finish grabbing your supplies, the bell rings again telling everyone that they should be in their assigned classes since it has now started.

"Psst! [Name]!" Someone said, whispering.

You turn around slightly to the right to see Oikawa looking at you. A big grin goes spreads on his face as he is glad to have gotten your attention. You gave him a confused look and was about to say something, but the teacher beat you to it.

"No talking [Last Name]. Class has started."

"Yes sir," you say with slight annoyance in your tone. You weren't annoyed he called you out, you were annoyed that it was only you he called out.

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