2. Him

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You entered your house, your sister Nami, who is a year younger than you, is staring at you with her arms crossed. You live with her and your older brother, Akemi. Your parents died two years ago, your brother was luckily old enough to legally take care of you two and did so thinking it was his duty.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?!" Nami shouted quietly, trying not to wake any of the neighbors, while pointing at the clock on the stove in the kitchen.

It read 1:03 a.m.

"It's not even that late!" You said, trying to defend yourself.

"We have school tomorrow and I was worried sick about you," she sighed, folding her arms again and her gaze hitting the floor before continuing, "I thought something bad happened when you weren't home around 12:30 like always."

You sat there for a moment and felt bad. At first you thought you were just going to get lectured since she tends to act like a mother sometimes, but then you realized she was also quite worried about you.

Her eyes come off the floor and look into you [Eye Color] ones again. You smile and walk towards her and give her a hug. "I didn't mean to worry you Nami, I'm sorry."

"It's okay," she said smiling while pulling away, "Just don't let it happen again!"

"Why are you two being so loud?" Says your brother Akemi while walking down the stairs. He rubbed his eyes and yawned before staring at you two, waiting for an answer.

You and your sister exchange glances. You knew it was coming, your sister wasn't perfect after all.

"[Name] came home super late! And I was worried!" Nami said pointing at you while looking at your brother.

You growled. Did she really have to throw you under the bus like that? You guys just had a good sister moment and it was ruined.

"[Name]..." Akemi said looking at you with a disappointed look.

"I'm sorry, time just went by super fast while I was stargazing... I didn't mean to come home this late," you said staring at the floor, with your hands behind your back. You never meant to wake up your brother or make your sister worried. Your brother works very hard to make sure you guys have a roof over your head and food on the plate. The more you thought about how much he does for you guys, the more guilty you felt for letting time pass by so quickly, resulting you to get home later than you usually would.

Akemi sighs, "It's okay [Name], but if it happens again I won't let you go stargazing anymore."

It was fair, but the thought of you not being able to stargaze made heat rise to your face. You didn't say anything though because you knew if you did you would lose stargazing right there. So instead you just sighed and nodded before walking past him to your bedroom.

You sat on your bed in the dark and couldn't help but still feel a little angry that he said that. It made sense because that was the reason why you came home late, but at the same time, your brother knows how much stargazing means to you and how it keeps you from going insane.

And how it reminds you of him.

It reminds you of his bright smile when he would point out all the different kinds of constellations, feeling proud of himself for knowing which ones were which. The way he would always bring a really cool telescope so you could look at the planets in more detail. How you two would always play a game on who could see the most shooting stars in one night. Or how you two would just be sitting there under the stars with each other in your arms, never wanting the night to end.

You woke up from your little daydream when you felt warm streaks of water run down your face. You realized you were crying and quickly wiped your face to wipe the tears away before snuggling into your bed and going to sleep for the night.

* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚

Beep, beep, beep! You heard your alarm going off but you chose to ignore it. You didn't feel like getting out of bed anytime soon you wanted to just drift back away into that dream you were having about him.

Thump, thump, thump. You heard a pair of footsteps run up the stairs with great speed. Then shortly after your door slamming open.

You rolled over to see your sister mad with something behind her back, but you didn't care, you were too tired and it was too early.

"DO YOU NOT HEAR YOUR ALARM CLOCK? IT'S BEEN GOING OFF FOR 5 MINUTES NOW." Nami says angrily, waiting for you to reply.

"I guess not," you say smirking while slowly closing your eyes, but before you do, your sister reveals the thing behind her back, a pan. Your eyes shot open as you knew what she was about to do next and tried to take cover under your blanket, but it all happened too fast.


* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚

You were now walking to school with your sister. Except she was all happy and was humming, while you held an icepack against your head.

Today can't start off any worse. You thought, until it did.

"[Name]-chan!" A voice you recognized shouting towards you.

"What are you doing?" Another voice said closely behind, but you didn't recognize that one.

Oh great. You thought. You continued walking but you started going at a faster pace. It wasn't the fact that it was Oikawa and someone you assumed was his friend. It was the fact that you didn't want to be seen right now with icepack on your head, covering the small swollen spot where the pan made contact with your face.

"Um, nee-san, I think someone is calling you," your sister looked at you confused.

"I don't hear anythi-"

"[Name]-chan! It's me Oikawa! Turn around!"

Your sister gave you that 'Oh really?' look. You let out a groan and turned around to see two boys, one being Oikawa and the other that you assumed was his friend. They both looked at you, then at your sister, then you again. You knew they were confused about the icepack that was on your head.

"Are you okay [Name]-chan?" Oikawa said, leaning out his hand and touching the icepack that you were holding.

"I'm fine," you said in a slightly frustrated voice while glaring at your sister. She started laughing like a hyena.

Oikawa moved the icepack away from your face and looked at you in shock for a second before trying his best not to laugh. "What-" he began chuckling, "-happened?"

You aggressively grab the icepack out of his hands and placed it back on your head before rolling your eyes and walking away. You could over hear your sister still as their voices began to fade.

"She had a little incident with a pan this morning," Nami said giggling, recalling when she threw the pan at you.

You also heard Oikawa and his friend giggle a little bit in the distance. You were mad but you couldn't blame them, if it was the other way around and you hit Nami with the pan, you would've laughed too, but it wasn't the other way around and you didn't want to deal with their constant teasing, so you took a different route to school.

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