25. Danger

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You decided to ignore everything you just read and continue on to your original plan, which was to call Oikawa.

You call Oikawa and he picks up.

"[Name]?" Oikawa pants, "What's up?"

"Did I catch you at a bad time?"

"Nah, we just finished up our morning practice." He breathes heavily, "Is everything alright?"

"I uh..." You trail off.


"I need help."

"Help? With what? Is everything okay? Where are you?" He throws questions at you, too fast for you to reply in between.

"I don't know," you sigh. "I got into a fight with Nami and got off the train earlier than I was supposed to."

"Send me your location and I'll pick you up, okay?"

"Are you sure?- I don't want you to go out of your way, I just...- I just needed someone to talk to."

"Just send me your location, okay? I'll be there as soon as possible."

"Thanks Tooru."

Even though you couldn't see Oikawa's smile you knew that is was there.

"No problem [Name]."

While waiting, you decided to sit on a bench in front of some shops. Around 30 minutes goes by before you see Oikawa pull up with his car. Relief washed over you when you realized that you were going to get home safe. You probably could've walked, but it was long and something could've happened to you. Once again, Oikawa was your knight in shining armor.

You get into the passenger side of Oikawa's car and sigh of relief.

"Thanks Oikawa," you smile at him.

While continuing to drive Oikawa says, "Oikawa? It was just Tooru!"

You laugh at his remark, "Thanks... Tooru."

"That's better," he smiles proudly.

"I'm sorry for making you come all the way from the school to pick me up.. I could've walked-"

"Like I would make you walk." He glances over at you for a second before gluing his eyes back onto the road. "Something could've happened to you. If that happened, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself."

"Yeah..." You trail off, looking out the passenger window.

"Is everything ok? You seem off."

"Yeah, Yeah." You assure him. "Just been a weird day."

"I get that. We all have those days."

Oikawa glances over at you once again to see your focus is out the window.

"Hey! Maybe I can take you out for milk bread now," he smiles.


"Isn't that what I just said?" He laughs.

You were in no rush to get home and deal with Nami yelling at you, so you agreed. "Okay, that sounds nice."

"Sweet, I even have your surprise in my car."

"You didn't have to get me anything."

"It's just sort of a... thank you." He smiles at you.

"A thank you? For what?"

"For putting up with me I guess," he smiles and shrugs.

Oikawa drives to a shop that sells milk bread that is actually close to the park you hang out at. It was very convenient that it was there.

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