Final mission pt1

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3 years later

Y/n: "Mr park, have the design teams finished their proposals for the resort in Florida yet?"
Mr park: "yes miss Aveny. The meeting is this afternoon would you like to sit in"
Y/n: "yes please I'm quite excited about this project"
Mr park: "I'll have Ethan notify the board"
Y/n: "alright I'm going to school not bye Mr park"
Mr park: "have a good day miss Aveny, don't make too much trouble"
Y/n: "I gotta keep you on your toes somehow!"

3 years after Ultron. I am now 19 years old. Me and Peter are still together obviously. We both live at the avengers facility. Peter has a more permanent role in the science division of avengers cooperation. I intern there too but Tony says I have to finish highschool. When I turned 18 there was a massive court shenanigan about me getting the business and my parents accounts. The man who took over after my parents died turned out to have orchestrated their death and tried to take the company from me. The funny thing was I was going to agree before the whole murder thing came out. Tony had some great lawyers handle it and I now own the business again but I still leave it to Mr park and Ethan who give me regular updates. I come into office before and after school inbetween going back to the Avengers facility. Tony had a daughter with Pepper and there are often playdates between Morgan and Clint's kids which makes the place lively and a little dangerous. It's still a secret I live with the avengers and I'm The Masquerade the superhero name given to me after Ultron. I got therapy for all my traumas and am not sensitive to loud noises anymore, which is useful since we recently have had no peace, since last week Nat and banner brought home their baby girl they adopted. And as much as Stark tried to prolong it me and Peter did it, a lot. His super strength and stamina are a great quality in bed and his muscles aren't the only thing that were enhanced let's say ;-).

Y/n: "I finished my finals!!!!!" I shouted through the mansion as I got home. It was the last day of exams and my high school life was finally over. I expected someone to walk by and congratulate me but there was no one around. I guess they're all in their rooms or out. Slightly disappointed I walked to the kitchen to grab a snack when I saw a massive like 4ft cake on the side I stuck my finger in the frosting and ate it. Mmh chocolate. Then bangs and pops and cheers erupted from behind me making me jump.
Avengers: "WHOOOOOO!"
Peter: "that was the plan darling"
Y/n: "shut up you." I kissed him shortly and smiled at the rest of my family looking stupid with confetti and streamers on their heads.
Tony: "y/n has finished highschool!!"
Steve: "congratulations y/n"
Bucky: "we ordered this cake for you y/n chocolate your favourite"
Y/n: "wait a minute why are you calling me by my name?"
Wanda: "isn't that what you always wanted y/n"
Y/n: "no I don't like it anymore please call me nicknames"
Sam: "we were just playing with you baby Aveny we are never letting you off the hook"
Y/n: I can't believe you've actually made me glad to hear that. This is indoctrination!"
Nat: "are we gonna party or what" everyone started drinking and eating cake, arm wrestling and playing games, chatting and sharing stories. In the end we all crashed into the sofas eating cold pizza and debating stuff like is it scon or scoone, is an elevator worthy and what's best stark raving hazelnut or hulka-hulka burning fudge. This is my family.

I was walking to the bus stop from the offices when a massive explosion went off on the horizon.
Y/n: "Ethan what do I see"
Ethan: "I believe that used to be the building for military chemical engineering. But it was shut down two years ago"
Y/n: "doesn't look so out of use to me. Alert the avengers. Tell them I'm going but I'll wait behind until they arrive."
Ethan: "yes y/n" I got on my motorbike and rode towards where the explosion came from using Ethan on my ring to show GPS directions.

"Ethan: "yes y/n" I got on my motorbike and rode towards where the explosion came from using Ethan on my ring to show GPS directions

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