Film pt4

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Tony pov
I walked into the barn where the tractor was and was checking it out.
Tony: "hello dear, tell me everything"
Fury: "do me a favour try not to bring it to life"
Tony: "is Maria ever not working for you?"
Fury: "artificial intelligence, an army of robots, two agents missing and two children running loose around with you. Tell me your going to shut this down"
Tony: "you're not the director of me"
Fury: "I'm not the director of anybody, I'm just an old man, who cares very much about you."
Tony: "they're my team, I'll get 'em in shape"
Fury: "good because they world's the cost of you don't"

Y/n pov
Y/n: "you really think me and Peter can stay together?" I said excitedly
Laura: "don't worry I got the power here"
Peter: "thanks Mrs Barton"
Laura: "oh please, don't make me feel old"
Y/n: "sorry about him Laura, he's got a thing with formalities hahaha" just then Bucky walked in.
Bucky: "hey y/n, can we talk"
Y/n: "n-"
Bucky: "now"
Laura: "I'll leave you guys to it"
Peter: "want me to stay?"
Y/n: "no I gotta get this over with anyway" they both left the guest bedroom we were in and Bucky walked over and sat on the bed near me
Bucky: "you know what I wanna ask so why don't you talk first"
Y/n: "I had no one in my life I cared about, after 5 years I questioned my right to die as much as my right to live"
Bucky: "great, and also illusive, explain"
Y/n: "I hurt people, when my powers started developing when I was young, they were to weak to do anything but make my hands glow. By 11 they could do stuff, and I couldn't start or stop it so I accidentally hurt some people. Eventually I got tired. The only human interactions I had I'd ended up hurting someone, or being so afraid to I'd push them away. My life was an accident, all my life I've been a burden, and my powers were an accident too. It's my life, so why can't I get to choose I want to stop it early."
Bucky: "you own death is something that happens to everyone but you"
Y/n: "I know... But there wasn't anyone"
Bucky: "there is now"
Y/n: "exactly, I know that, so let's just go and forget about this" I got up to walk away but he stopped me.
Bucky: "you ever tried it?"
Y/n: "... 5 times, I guess the universe really don't want me dead yet"
Bucky: "universe wants you in the Avengers. What happened?"
Y/n: "1 and 2 found by a security guard, my fault for trying the same rooftop twice I guess. 3 mailman saw the blood. 4 didn't take enough, woke up 5 days after with a killer headache. 5 Peter..."
Bucky: "he stopped you?"
Y/n: "found me, unconscious and bleeding out apparently"
Bucky: "when the last time you thought about it"
Y/n: "when's the last time you felt tired"
Bucky: "y/n"
Y/n: "no. I'm fine okay, I wouldn't do that to you guys. I'm better, I can feel it"
Bucky: "but yo-"
Y/n: "please just drop it"
Bucky: "fine"
Y/n: "thanks, and can we stop being awkward now, I miss my fun uncle"
Bucky: "haha, well he's back!" He ran at me and threw me over his shoulder walking out the room. We got to the living room I think, and there was lots of chatter.
Steve: "er buck?"
Bucky: "has anyone seen a below average sized child, bright purple hair and eyes I seem to have lost her"
Nat: "well I can't see anything"
Sam: "how small are we talking"
Bucky: "real small"
Sam: "well sorry I ain't seen anything like that"
Y/n: "oh come on you guys are mean"
Tony: "hahaha alright let the little plum down" Bucky finally let go of me and I was about to complain until
Y/n: "oooh toast!" Everyone laughed "shut up or I'll turn all your chest cavities to stone" they all put their have up in surrender.

Fury: "Ultron took you folks out of play to buy himself time. My contacts all say he's building something. With the amount of vibranium he made off with I don't think it's just one thing.
Y/n: "what about Ultron himself"
Peter: "he's an ai program at heart, can we get to him"
Fury: "tracking Ultron is easy, he's everywhere, can't do anything though guys multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit"
Tony: "still going after launch codes"
Fury: "yes he is. But he's not making any headway"
Tony: "I cracked the pentagon's firewall in high school on a dare"
Y/n: "I did it in middle school, but I'm sure you'll get better Stark"
Fury: "well, I contacted out friends at the nexus about that."
Clint: "so what'd they say"
Fury: "the codes are constantly being changed"
Nat: "by whom"
Fury: "parties unknown"
Thor: "so we have an ally"
Fury: "ultron's got an enemy, it's not the same thing"
Steve: "he wants to be better"
Bruce: "better than us"
Rhodey: "well he keeps building bodies"
Banner: "he's evolving, not just himself but the world, that's his goal... Global destruction"

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