new school

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Name: y/n
Last name: n/a
Age: 15
Friends: n/a
Family: parents dead, no siblings
Powers: matter manipulation, healing
School: midtown highschool
Favourite colour: purple
Favourite food: pizza
Appearance: long hair with purple tint, large doe eyes, short, slim, electric purple eyes (from powers)

Today was a new dawn, a new day a new liiiiiffffeeeeeeee, for meeeeeee... And I'm feeling... Gooooooooooooood. I hummed along to the song on the radio as I got ready for school with a new hope that today was going to be a new, different chapter in my life. This was because today's my first day at my new highschool, I got kicked out of my last highschool for pulling a prank on a student. They were a horrible bitch and I'd do it again without blinking, basically what happened was... There was this girl who bothered everyone in school she was a stuck up brat and was talking shit about my family so I turned her clothes into paper during pe and also possibly her school books to slabs of rock. Noone knows about my powers but I was still discovered as the perpetrator so I was expelled. To be perfectly honest I was happy because the new school the system allocated I go instead was midtown high, further from my house but much nicer. I lived alone since I was 6 when my parents died in a car crash, and don't pity me or anything I'm over it I never saw them much anyway since they worked loads I'm not sure why they even had me in the first place. I think it's very possible they only had a child to become their project, I had a nanny who did all the parenting and I only talked to my parents when they checked in on my progress with education. As a result, when they died I didn't cry much, my aunt took me in for the sole reason of my parents money but she died of alcohol poisoning as few years later after using my parents money to go on a Vegas trip (karma's a bitch). The next person to take me in was her friend, for the exact same reason as her, and when she died drunk driving the social services forgot about or lost track of me; so at age 11 I lived alone in my dead aunts friends apartment. This was fine for me because I learnt to look after myself from carers negligent care all my life. I had free meals from school at lunch and I can easily make pasta and such standing on a stool in the kitchen, I had my parents bank card that my aunt used (I only know the code because she made me run errands for her) so my life was pretty peachy. That was until one day in school I turned a classmates pet hamster into a wooden carving of a hamster, whoops I know but the most confusing part was the way people reacted... And that was when I found out that not everyone in the world could do what I can. I hid myself and my powers away promptly finishing my last term of middle school across the city but decided to go to the closest high school to my aunt's friends apartment there was. We know how that turned out.

So here I am munching on a slice of plain white toast as I walk our the door with my school bag in tow and just a pencil case to fill it up. I stuck my earphones in my ears and listened to some music heading to the bus stop. As Mr blue sky came on, the bus arrived and I hopped on then slumped in a single seat. Since the hamster incident I avoid people in general. I also tried training my powers but if I zone out there's still a small chance I might turn a person's bag into glass or whatever. As the familiar succession of buildings and shops passed by in my peripherals I focused on my music and when the school building appeared I got ready to get off.

Walking in the gate I kept my head slightly lowered and focused at the blank screen of my phone, I found the best way to be inconspicuous is to not try to hard, staring at your feet and walking fast isn't going to get you through a crowd without attention. Technology on the other hand is practically a face mask and you just blend into the sea of unaware dawdling teens. I easily found the front desk since it was signposted and told them I was new. When they looked me up they said I had to go to the year heads office first since I was a  transfer due to expulsion. Remembering and following the receptionists directions I arrived at a third floor office with Ms Winters on a placque on the door. I knocked gingerly and a assertive yet smooth voice answered. I opened the door and walked in towards the desk in the middle of the room. It was a relatively small room but big enough to serve as a single office space and the back wall was a full window with half shut blinds which lightened the room up.

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