Film pt1

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It later conceded that the reason the two Asgardians were here was because Loki had sensed the awakening of his sceptre or some other magical thingy. When shield collapsed the sceptre was lost apparently and the avengers said they'd looked for it but we're never successful. A plan was made to infiltrate and given the Maximoff's past Wanda and Pietro were sent in undercover to help the raid from the inside.

Wanda pov
We were standing waiting for the rest of the avengers when finally loud rumbling and firing was heard and a loudspeaker announced
Speaker: "report to you stations immediately, this is not a drill. We are under attack. WE ARE UNDER ATTACK." Troops of hydra soldiers ran past us grabbing guns and running through tunnels to defend the stronghold. I quickly slammed the door in front of them and they turned back to us confused. The next second Pietro had run round them all taking the guns and piling them behind us. When they realized we were betraying they all pulled out pistols and came at us but we were quicker I held the front half in my power and threw them with all my strength into the ceiling then the floor. Pietro took care of the back half, punching them and literally running rings around them until we were left with a pile of unconscious men.

Natasha pov
The signal was given and each of us came at the base in our teams. I was with Clint and y/n. We were being fired at as I drove a jeep through the forest. Clint was standing in-between the supports of the open roof, firing arrows at the increasing number of hydra men and jeeps. Y/n was in the back crouched down destroying cars and men behind us. She honed her powers in a beam and turned the front of the armed truck chasing us into silly string, very her style, she enjoyed making a fool of people. She was a great asset but it was surprising Tony and Steve let her come at all. The one condition was she stayed covered in the trunk and didn't go off on her own. Tony flew beside us killing robotic looking men firing alien powered weapons on us.

Thor pov
I landed with a crash squashing a truck about to ram Romanoff and the others then flew up to a watch tower and knocked the men over the edge and kicked a armour plated guy in the best who tried to fly at me sending him crashing back. I jumped to the ground and fought more men in camouflage with guns coming at me. Then Steve rode past on a motor bike, dragging one of the on the ground behind him as we went.

Steve pov
I rode past Thor easily fighting one on 20 with some soldiers. I grabbed one of them and rode towards a group of men by a bunker and threw him at them knocking them down, as Peter was webbing up people from every direction as he swung behind me. Riding up a ridge I threw my shield and it rebounded of soldiers and trees as I went in the air and skidded back on the ground towards a tank as it landed back in my hands and I put it on my back. Thor flew in behind mjöllnir and destroyed the tank it combusted dramatically and hulk came running past smashing the pieces and hitting bots and soldiers out his way running to another bunker.

Y/n pov
Nat kept driving us towards the stronghold and hulk passed in front of us crushing everything it his path. I'd never seen gulf before and it was quite exhilarating. There were explosions going off all around me but I had specialised ear plugs in so everything was muffled except my earpiece. That one one of my other conditions, set by the man who is riding his bike behind us. We all grouped up as we reached the sandbags and wooden spikes. A bit anticlimactic for hydra but oh well. Nat shouted in the earpiece and on her command as she span us to a stop we all jumped out the truck and flew over the barricade. Loki and Peter jumped oven and landed stabbing a soldier in the neck, Steve ramped it next to us, Thor, vision and Tony were flying over and hulk just charged straight through.

Tony pov
We reached the last outer shell of their defense and leaving the other behind I flew up towards the main building. Blowing up a bunker on my way for good measure. Dodging trees and anti aircraft gunfire I rocketed up to the top. Suddenly a blue forcefield rang out the outskirts of the roof and knocked me a little
Tony: "SHIT"
Steve: "language. ... FRIDAY what's the view from upstairs" she replied instantly connect to one of my satellites
FRIDAY: "the central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other hydra base we've taken"

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