y/n Aveny-Stark-Rogers-Maximoff-Banner-Romanoff-Barton-Parker-Wilson-Barnes

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Once we got to the town hall there were many people looking at us since neither Tony or Steve decided to try hide their faces and I overheard a lot of the whispering and commenting on me since I was walking with them, it made me anxious and clench my fists. Tony jsut threw his arm round my shoulder and said reassuringly
Y/n: "don't worry about them kid, we're here to protect you, you're one of us now" we made our way to an upper floor office and I followed Steve and Tony in cautiously. The person on the other side of the desk what an old male who seemed cold and boring, Steve and Tony passed over my file.
Steve: "were adopting her into the avengers system, so she will no longer be considered an orphan child instead part of the organisation."
Man: "I'll grant this and you'll be issued a new birth certificate, you're currently registered with no surname would you like to change this?"
Steve: "do you want to give yourself a surname y/n?"
Y/n: "ummm... how about Aveny? Like avenger."
Tony: "I like it though deep down I was hoping you'd say Stark"
Y/n: "that would be unfair to everyone else though"
Man: "well then y/n Aveny, you are officially off the social services system, congratulations"
Tony: "I'm still going to call you baby Stark"
Steve: "then I'll call you baby Rogers"
Y/n: "hey I'm still not a baby!"
Man: "it says here your birthday is in seven days"
Y/n: "that's right... And then you have to stop calling me fetus, you promised"
Tony: "I don't care you're baby Stark now, baby Stark"
Steve: "thank you for you help sir... Let's go baby Rogers"
Y/n: "hmph this is bullying"

After we got the certificate and were driving home it was late afternoon and I hadn't eaten yet which my body didn't hesitate to oppose by grumbling loudly.
Steve: "Tony why don't we swing by a take away before we go home, I think our newest recruit could use some nutrition"
Tony: "what's your favourite type take away baby Stark?"
Y/n: "hmmm... Pizza!"
Tony: "well then we're going to dominoes" on arriving I jumped out the car first and sprinted inside the shop staring excitedly at all the different types of pizza a hand came down on my shoulder and I looked up at Steve with a giant smile.
Steve: "what do you want to get little Rogers" I was too interested in the pizza to refute the nickname
Y/n: "this one" I say pointing to a picture on a screen "there's cheese and tomatoes and chicken and pepperoni and vegetables!" Steve chuckled at my excitement
Steve: "we'll get that one then, people would think we'd been starving you for weeks given how eager you are"
Y/n: "well I have only eaten 4 times in the past five days" I said before I could stop myself and immediately put a hand over my mouth
Steve: "you what!"
Tony: "kid are you telling me you haven't eaten yet today, what about breakfast, what about yesterday when we picked you up?"
Y/n: "I-uhh... I just wasn't hungry, I forgot..."
Steve: "y/n that's no excuse! you need food to survive!" He shouted
Y/n: "well it wasn't my fault!" I walked out and sat back in the car breathing heavily. A few seconds later the door opened next to me and Tony got in
Tony: "listen kid don't take cap's tone to heart we were both just worried about you" he tried comforting me but my breathing didn't listen and started hyperventilating, I wasn't good at recieving shouting and loud noises, my past made me hypersensitive to them and flashes of other moments when I was shouted and crossed my vision. Tony realized what was happening and was quick to hug me.
Tony: "hey... Hey... Kid listen to my voice ok, you're here, you're ok, follow my lead and take a deep breath all right?" I listened to him and copied his breathing until I had calmed down. "What was that huh... Well I know what it was but what set you off?" I looked at him confused at his understanding "I got panic attacks for a while after New York, I can recognise one" I nodded
Y/n: "the shouting... Made me remember... Things" he nodded his head understandingly
Tony: "I'll tell the avengers to remember not to shout at you, we don't want this happening again"
Y/n: "thank you Tony"
Tony: "you're welcome baby Stark" he tapped me on the shoulder and got out the car again then back into the driver's seat Steve arrived a second later with a massive stack of pizza boxes
Steve: "sorry for shouting y/n, you ok?"
Tony: "loud noises bring back bad memories, but we handled it we're all good, right?"
Y/n: "yeah, sorry for freaking out on you guys"
Steve: "don't apologize for things that don't need apologies"
Y/n: "haha that's funny Peter told me the exact same thing"
Steve: "I taught him well then."

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