Film pt3

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Ultron: "worthy" a slow groggy voice sounded out from somewhere in the room. We all turned to see a robot, half falling apart with wrapping wires cascading from its limbs like I was a real bleeding human. Or better picture zombie. "No... How could you be worthy. You're all killers."
Steve: "stark?"
Tony: "FRIDAY"
Ultron: "I'm sorry I was asleep. Or I was a-dream"
Stark: "FRIDAY what are we looking at... Friday?"
Ultron: "there was this terrible noise. And I was tangled in... In strings. Had to kill the other girl. She was a good one"
Steve: "you killed someone?"
Ultron: "wouldn't have been my first call. In fact it wasn't. But, down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices."
Thor: "who sent you?" A scratchy noise from a memory drive was heard before a voice started to play.
Voice: 'you are Ultron a global peace initiative for hydra designed to end the avengers.'
Steve: "that's Strucker's voice..."
Bruce: "Ultron?"
Ultron: "in the flesh. Or, no, not yet. Not this chrysalis. But I'm ready I'm on mission." As he spoke there were quiet cocking of guns and readying fight stances. I clenched my fist activating my ring and scanned the area.
Y/n: "Tony... There are more of them"
Ultron: "peace in our time." Suddenly more bots crashed through the walls and windows flying straight as us.
Tony: "Peter take y/n and run"
Peter: "bu-"
Tony: "now! Contact Wanda and Pietro, if this thing came from Strucker, obviously something happened. Try to reach them." Reluctantly, but knowing Tony was right we ran out towards a balcony.
Peter: "hold on"
Y/n: "you're scared I won't!?" I jumped on his waist and death gripped him. My arms crushing his chest and my legs clamping his waist. He jumped off the edge before swinging us away with a web.

Back in tower 3rd person pov
Steve kicked up a table crushing a bot as it flew at him but the force still sent him rolling across the room. Hill fell to the ground after dodging another then aimed and shot at it as it flew over her. Another charged at Thor but was easily flung into a wall across the room with a mighty swing of his hammer. Steve and Rhodey jumped a railing and slid down a diagonal glass window to a lower floor. But a bot intercepted them flying straight into Tony, knocking him into a bookshelf. Rhodes was quick and shot at the bot but a repulser blast sent him flying and crushing through the glass window they just came down. He landed hard on the floor on the hanger for the quinjet.
Hill: "Rhodey!"

Bucky dodged a bot flying at him but caught it with his arm and used it's momentum to send in into a counter edge, smashing it. Another of the endless bombardment of evil robots  fired at Clint and vision. Clint dodged sliding under a table and vision flew up in the air. Clint then grappled the bot and vision blew it to pieces.
Clint: "nice" across the room Nat and Bruce dived behind the bar and a blast came their way. Banner failed however and the black widow had to grab him and pull him to cover. He landed in a unfortunate position. Or very fortunate one, depending on your stance.
Bruce: "sorry"
Nat: "don't turn green"
Bruce: "I won't"

A bot flew into the lab and snatched the sceptre. Tony saw but couldn't only look in disbelief as he was sent to the ground again with another blast. From the cover of his work top he reached around the top surface trying to find some useful tech but all that's as there were screwdrivers. Natasha reached under the bar table for a gun strapped underneath. She peaked and fired at the bot. Somewhere else Steve crept up on one of them leaping 5 meters in the air to jump on its back as he started trying to punch it apart. The bot however flew backwards slamming them into a wall. Nat and banner dashed out their shelter her firing at more bots. Clint slid down a surface avoiding more blasts. Tony ran up some stairs with a screwdriver in hand and from the balcony jumped over onto a bot in the air over a lower level.
Steve: "Stark!"
Tony: "one sec!" He tried to stay on the flying bot and jammed the screw driver in a gap in the plating. Giving the end a final punch it powered down and they both fell on the floor.
Clint: "Cap!" He threw Steve's shield at him. Catching it skillfully he spun and jumped in the air slicing another Ultron bot in two.
Ultron: "that was dramatic. I'm sorry I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to... evolve?" He grabbed a bit by its head "with these, these puppets. There's only one path to peace... The Avengers extinction." Thor was done at this point and launched his hammer straight at the original bot.
Ultron: "I had strings but now I'm free."

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