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I was fiddling with my ring adjusting the HUI (holographic user interface) so it was compatible with FRIDAY'S mainframe. I also tried out some extra features like the camera. I was recording a video narrating and being dorky over my creation when someone else walked in, I wanted my ring to be a surprise so I clenched my fist twice to deactivate it.
Steve: "baby Rogers I brought you some dinner, what's got you tied up in here that's usually Stark's thing?"
Y/n: "a very important project" I smiled brightly "'s a secret"
Steve: "oh really, give me a clue"
Y/n: "it's super tiny, you might even say nano"
Steve: "wow helpful, when can we see it"
Y/n: "hmmm I want to show it when everyone's here so whenever were next all in the same room together"
Rogers: "hahaha alright then you said it... FRIDAY activate emergency protocol, all avengers to the garage!"
Y/n: "what! No!" But I was too late alarms were blaring, Steve was smirking victoriously at me and within 10 seconds everyone was in the garage either in gear or pointing weapons everywhere.
Peter: "y/n are you okay what's happening"
Tony: "get here Aveny behind us"
Y/n: "... Steve lied" I made a 'done' face followed by everyone else glaring at Rogers
Steve: "hold up before you kill me, baby Rogers said she'd only show me her creation if we were all in the same room"
Peter: "omg you finished it!"
Y/n: "yup" I said popping the p
Nat: "finish what?"
Wanda: "did you help Bruce and Tony make another murder bot"
Bruce and Tony: "that was one time!"
Y/n: "what no this is my school project"
Clint: "really cap a school project, I was done with school after I turned 13 for a reason"
Y/n: "hey don't make my project sound lame, it's very cool"
Nat: "cool things are cool you don't have to say it" I pouted and crossed my arms at their constant teasing
Peter: "I've seen her plans, it's awesome, did you really manage it!?"
Y/n: "uh huh dad had nano tech tools"
Everyone: "... ... ... ... ... WHAT!?"
y/n: "nano tech, it's so cool"
Wanda: "you just called Tony 'dad'" what...
Y/n: "... ... I-er... no I didn't!" I decided to just play denial
Bucky: "yeah you did we all heard it baby Barnes"
Y/n: "it's not my fault you're all always calling me your child I got confused!"
Tony: "I don't mind" he smirked "if your my honorary baby I'm your honorary dad"
Bucky: "no call me dad I'm 100 years older than this immature man child"
Steve: "me too"
Wanda: "if you're her dad's I'm her mum"
Vision: "then I'm her father too"
Y/n: "hey! You all sound really weird right now you know, there's no way I'm calling all of you dad and mum"
Tony: "ha! I'm dad"
Y/n: "no, you can all be uncle, that's what we said for the birth certificate wasn't it?"
Tony: "fine."
Wanda: "haha I'm auntie Wanda, I like it"
Bruce: "well that was a rollercoaster... Y/n wanna show us the real reason we all came down here in the first place?"
Y/n: "oh, yeah... Here" I extended my right hand showing the ring on my middle finger
Bucky: "you made... Jewelry?"
Y/n: "it's a holographic smart device, I used nano tech to make a miniature motherboard, battery, memory and control unit. It also has a camera, smile!" I tapped the base of the ring.
Nat: "nothing happened"
Y/n: "it wouldn't be very discreet if there was a loud click noise, besides the camera is only 0.2 mm in diameter"
Steve: "I don't know much about tech but that's small"
Tony: "it sure is I'm impressed baby Stark show us more" I showed them the other features of my ring, Nat, Tony, Bruce and Peter were all super intrigued, the rest all looked impressed and a little confused as I listed all the technicalities of the ring. Tony already shared a number of ways I could modify and advance it, Wanda admired my intricate design and colour.

Sam: "this is so cool, we should celebrate Baby Wilson's genius with pizza"
Y/n: "if you want pizza just say, it's not like any of us cook normal meals most of the time anyway"
Sam: "whatever, ooh order it on your ring"
Y/n: "umm I don't know I'm not great at talking to strangers"
Pietro: "it's just a pizza person, we'll write a list and just tell them what we want"
Y/n: "errr, okay" I clenched my fist twice to turn the interface on, a purple holographic 3d screen appeared in the shape as the diamond. It showed basic things like time, location, date, vitals. "FRIDAY call dominoes"
Tony: "you nicked FRIDAY"
y/n: "yeah sorry"
Tony: "no but I can give you your own AI if you want, Peter has Karen"
Y/n: "oh my god really that's be so cool"
Steve: "language"
Y/n: "whatever grandpa"
Tony: "I have literally a box of spare AI's"
Y/n: "for what reason"
Tony: "got bored, always good to have backups"
Y/n: "alright then, I'll integrate it after the pizza... Oh shit the pizza"
FRIDAY: "I held the call"
Y/n: "oh thanks, un-hold... Hello yes I'd like to order 2 large Margherita, 2 large pepperoni, 2 large meat and veg, a large meat feast, a large spicy BBQ, and a large ham and pineapple... Umm it's avengers tower... No it's not a prank call" laughter erupted from the group
Bucky: "wait that's only one each"
Y/n: "they're large and there's no way I'm eating a whole pizza Bucky, I doubt Wanda, Nat, Clint, Sam, Tony and banner will either. It's just you three enhanced men that eat like pigs and we'll Vis doesn't eat"
Peter: "hey I'm not a pig"
Y/n: "yeah yeah whatever you say"

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