37- God-Daddy

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Lili POV

"Daymmmnnn Daddy" I practically purr at Nico as they enter the living room wearing a light grey suit.

"I don't know how I feel about you calling me Daddy with a baby in your arms kitten" Nico chuckles, walking over to peck my lips and greet Ella.

"Matt and Soph are getting dressed so I'm on baby duty, gotta take this Godmother gig seriously don't I?" I coo at Ella.

"Ah so they threw you in the deep end, straight into babysitting" Nico jokes,

"It's hardly babysitting if they're in the same house" I start to laugh but it's cut short when Ella does a huge burp, dribbling milky sick all down my dress. "If you laugh, I'm leaving you" I threaten Nico passing Ella to them, and running up stairs to change.

I slip into a blue flowery dress as fast as I can trying my hardest to ignore the very obvious sounds coming from the next room where Sophie is clearly not getting dressed. I did not need to hear that!

I rush back down the stairs spotting Nico jogging Ella gently on their knee and singing softly to her. When Nico catches my eye they flash me a smile continuing the song and then starting a game of patty-cake with Ella.

She's far too young so Nico is moving her hands which makes me smile, I had no idea Nico would be so good with kids.

"Aww are you practicing so you can give her a little cousin to play with?" Sophie asks, walking down the stairs.

"God no!" I scoff, "I got the implant because I'm responsible" I say pointedly.

"Besides, weren't you just up there trying for a sibling?" Nico teases. I look at them surprised. "My room is on the other side of Matt's, remember?" (Like I need reminding that Ma won't let us share a room.)

"If you knew you could have warned me when I went to change!" I object.

"I didn't know they'd still be going at it!" Nico laughs, I look up at Sophie who has turned the colour of beets. Which makes me laugh too.

By the time we arrive at the church Sophie's face looks like it's on fire. Nico spent the whole drive mocking Matt about this morning, which meant embarrassing Sophie too.

"You ok Soph?" Eddy asks as we climb out of the car. Sophie waves a hand trying to brush it off but Matt replies for her.

"She's embarrassed because people heard us having sex" Sophie's face drops and Eddy laughs lightly, a little forced. I think Matt seems to forget that Sophie was his girlfriend not that long ago.

Sophie looks at Eddy apologetically, before he spots their friend and heads off.

"As much tact as a brick to the face!" I scold Matt throwing Ella's burping cloth at him. Matt is about to argue when my cell rings, seeing it's Charlotte. I step aside to answer, hopefully she has good news.


"Lili hi, sorry to disturb you. I went through the shareholder articles of association, like Miss Morley suggested and I found a way for you to legally force out Mr Chun. He definitely violated the terms of his contract. I just need you to come in and sign off on it so I can get it off to the lawyers and send all the shareholders an update." Charlotte explains.

"That's amazing news! I'll stop by this evening to sort it out, and I can bring it to Charlotte tonight"

I turn to face the church feeling like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, the familiarity of my surroundings adding to the comfort.

Not that I'd ever admit that aloud, Ma would have me at Mass every week if I did!

The baptism itself is long and boring. I promise all the usual God parent promises, to guide Ella, to renounce Satan. Not teach her Voodoo… (ok maybe that last one was an exaggeration but seriously, so boring. I wanted to be the fun aunt.)

I carry Ella as we leave the service a little ahead of Sophie and Matt, who have been forced to 'talk wedding' when Maddie collars me.

"'Who is 'ze sexy God-Daddy?" Maddie whispers looking ahead of us. I follow her eyes spotting a very smart-casual looking Eddy.

"Ok, first it's Godfather not 'God-Daddy' ok" I giggle.

"Hey I know what I meant! And I'm positive that man could have me screaming God-Daddy" she replies biting her lip as she stares at Eddy in an eerily similar way to how she looks at fries when she's drunk.

"Maddie!" I scold her, "That's Eddy! You've met him before" I remind her.

"I 'ave? Why don't I remember this fine piece of man?" Maddie asks, her eyes not leaving Eddy's body. "Do you think Eddy is short for Edible?"

"Mads! Quit it! That's Sophie's ex! He was at the baby shower remember?" I scold her.

"Damn, why are all 'ze good looking men off limits?" Maddie sighs.

"Who's off limits?" Sophie asks, walking up behind us. I can see Matt glaring daggers at her from the entrance where he is still with his Ma and the padre.

"Why's Matt look so pissed off?" I ask curiously.

"Oh I used Ella as an excuse to escape the religion chat and left him stuck there" she laughs, scooping Ella from my arms and glancing over her shoulder at him. "Now, who's off limits?" She asks again.

"I was asking if Eddy was short for Edible" Maddie admits, never one to shy away from her thoughts.

Sophie laughs so hard it comes out as a snort.
"Edible?" She repeats laughing hard. "HEY EDDY!" She calls suddenly.

Eddy turns, flashing us a smile. Even I've got to admit he's cute. Not like Nico level cute but, still.

"What's up Princess?" Eddy asks Sophie once he reaches us.

"Stop calling me that!" She scowls. "You remember Lili? And Maddie right?" She asks, gesturing us.

"Of course, ladies" he greets us with a wink. I hear the loud clearing of a throat behind me and turn to see Nico glaring at Eddy, who just rolls his eyes.

"Maddie is from France, weren't you flying out there after the wedding to do some scouting? Maybe Maddie could teach you a few things?" Sophie says suggestively.

"Well, maybe I should buy Maddie a drink and we can talk about it? Do you want a ride?" Eddy asks her. Not even trying to cover the double meaning. Maddie nods suddenly turning coy.

"I'll meet you over there," Eddy smiles, heading back over to his friends.

"Smooth Bastard" Nico chuckles. "I guess this means we're driving Maddie's car back, and Sophie will be giving Tim and Louise a ride?"

"Yeah, just not the same kind of ride Maddie is after" I giggle.

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