chapter 17

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hope you all enjoy this chapter :]

3rd pov

Bad looks confused at Sapnap while saying "Son! Sapnap?!"

Eret closed the book and so their eyes stopped glowing too he stumbled a bit back.

Meanwhile, Dream said "Bad! It worked?!"

Sapnap was crying from happiness of getting his Dad back, he clings onto Bad ...

Foolish was happy and hugged Eret... Eret was taken it back at first but then hugs Foolish back.

Bad held Sapnap close to him while saying "Sapnap. . .! I'm so sorry. . .! Don't worry, your papa is here. . .!" Sapnap was still clinging onto Bad, he was just happy to have his papa back...

Foolish suddenly asked, "Wait if we got Billiam to stop controlling Bad does that mean that the others are back to normal too?"

Karl looked at Foolish and said, "I wish it did..."

"What do you mean Karl!" Quackity asked him and so Karl answered with "Well if Sir Billiam's soul is a part of The Egg and he was using Bad as the main vessel. That would mean he could use anyone connected to The Egg as a vessel."

Everyone now understood what Karl meant, 'No one was safe in the Eggpire'

Quackity now asked another question " So how do we save the others from the eggpire too? Or how do we defeat Billiam and what do we do now about Ranbob were still not sure if he works with someone or not?"

Karl answered him again with " What we can do is find something that could remove Sir Billiam's soul from our world, he is an evil spirit and then we should go around and see if we can find anything on Ranbob."

Quackity was about to say something when Dream interrupt "But, there is one thing."

Quackity looks confused to him... Dream turned to Eret and said, "What effects would it have on Eret and how does a bunch of symbols look English to him?"

Foolish knew his little brother would ask this so he answered ". . .Idk what effect it would be for Eret... and the different language part has probably something to do with Eret's past or abilities..."

Eret mumbled something then said "I mean I feel fine... I think?"

While the others were discussing things, Bad was running a hand through Sapnap's hair... Sapnap was fast asleep. Foolish smiled at the two and said "Maybe everyone should sleep first before we think more into this, you all can stay here if you want to... It's pretty late and I think Bad and Sapnap still want to have some time with each other before we free the others... And I need to say that I'm pretty tired myself so maybe we could start our plan tomorrow at 1 pm."

Bad agreed but still asked while picking Sapnap up " But, I don't understand. . . What did. . . He do when I wasn't in control?"

Everyone felt silence beside Quackity who told Bad that they would explain it later...

Karl nodded and then turned to Foolish looking serious to him "But, Foolish? Do you want an idea of what this Sir Billiam can do?"

Foolish shook his head and so Karl showed everyone the scars he had from Billiam... Everyone (-Sapnap, also if you wonder where George is he's already in one of the guest rooms sleeping) was shocked at the scars they were huge... Foolish looked at Karl worryingly then said "We will need many shields for tomorrow... but don't worry, Karl, I will get everything done for tomorrow, we will not lose to Billiam"

Karl nodded while hiding the scars again then he said "Trust me, this is the one time murder will be alright."

Dream yelled "Oh hell yeah!"

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