chapter 7

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hope you all enjoy this chapter ^^

3rd pov

Everyone except George looked at Dream confused. Dream notices this and continued "The only place would have answers to your questions, they would be inside his Library. Don't touch anything in there. Take me to his Library and I'll show you the truth". Puffy looked at Sam and glanced at him if it was okay. Sam said that it was up to Sapnap and Quackity. They both looked at each other and came to an agreement and so Sapnap said "what are we waiting for we need to find out the truth" And so they started walking together to the Library. When they got there Sam unlocked the handcuffs that were around Dream's wrist and said " No funny business". Dream rubbed his wrists while saying " Not like I have anywhere to run. Alright. You all look around this area, I know what I need, I just need to find it". And so he was off to Karl's desk. George was thinking about the secret room and completely spaced out. While the others were all looking around. Puffy scanned the bookshelves while asking "Why does he have so many books?". Sam told her that Karl had told him that he just likes to read.

Ranboo's pov

I was looking around in books that's when I found a weird sketchbook but what was even weirder was the symbol on the cover it looked like this :]. I opened it and without thinking, I said: "What the heck".

Sapnap came over to me and asked what the sketchbook was and so I opened it. I almost dropped the book when I saw a sketch from the egg but it wasn't where it is now, no, it was in a basement. But on the other page, it was gain the egg but now it was at its original place. Puffy seemed to notice the drawings and said " Why did he put it in a basement". Now Sam came to us and looked at the drawing "And it looks detailed completely..."

Sapnap's pov

"Hmm, Maybe Bad knows something about this sketch," I said to the others. Then I noticed George was still standing where he stood when we came into the library. He looked like he was in deep thoughts. Now that I think about him he didn't say much the whole time since he came to the prison. "Hey, George are you good?" He didn't respond. Suddenly some bookshelves on the other side by Dream moved. We all jumped back at the sudden noise, Sam said something but I didn't hear him because of the shock.

After some time I and the others had calmed down and George even snapped out of his trance.

3rd pov

Dream said to everyone "Didn't you say you wanted answers..". Sapnap was talking everyone that they needed the answers and just talk about this all later. Meanwhile, George walked up to Ranboo to take a look at the sketchbook. When George looked at the page Ranboo was on Ranboo slammed the book shut. Everyone turned to him and saw the panicked look he had on his face. His breath started shaking, he saw something terrifying. Sam walked to ranboo and asked him if what was wrong. George jumped back and just got out "Wh-what the-". Sapnap was getting worried and asked them what they had seen but both of them didn't answer. Sapnap took a closer look at them Ranboo looked like he had seen a ghost while George looked shocked. The only thing Ranboo said, " I- I... have to talk to Karl about this..."

Dream's pov

I started to walk down the passage to the other area and left the others behind. While I was walking I heard puffy say something like the prison really changed him but it wasn't just the prison's fault...

Sapnap's pov

I offered to George, Ranboo, and Puffy to stay behind in the library while,me, Quackity and Sam follow Dream, they agreed and so we quickly followed Dream down the passage.


sorry for the mistakes! hope you all have a great day/night :) 

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