ஐ Chapter 18

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***UPDATED !!! EDITED **** 

The Twilight Saga: Firelight

Chapter 18: A stealer, the ball, the Volturi!

Bella's POV


The Volturi finally left after ten minutes of craziness. I learned a few things though, first I could read minds. I could ‘shield’ and I could make people feel pain. Carlisle had an interesting theory, a stealer. I can take other people’s powers. I don’t take them, so they don’t have it anymore. They still have it, but I can use their power, I could also turn them on and off.

I’ve been practicing! I can project my shield over people. Protect a crowd of people, but the strangest one? I was protecting Edward, I had pushed my shield around him and I could feel it leaving me, I could feel it going to him. Protecting him and not me, it gets stranger. When I was protecting him, he read my thoughts!

I could also give people messages. I could send them through my mind, or with one touch. It was actually really exciting, but at the same time scary.

Alice had searched the future for the ball we were attending, as was I. Who knows, they could try to pull something on us. Especially after that episode with the Volturi; we both came up with nothing, it all seemed safe. So Alice was planning a shopping trip to get our dresses.

The ball was days away, with every single vampire there. Well maybe every vampire, I bet some would stay away. We could refuse to go if we wanted to too, but we found no threat so we were all going. It was going to be my first time at a ball, my first time meeting all the vampires.

There was a downside, If Carlisle’s theory was true, I would collect more powers. Possibly be the most powerful vampire alive, the most strongest. That meant trouble, everyone would be after me. They would all want me to join them. Of course I wasn’t going to, I was happy where I was, with my family.

I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn’t even notice my phone was going off, I already knew who it was Alice. I picked it up, “Hey Alice!” I muttered softly into the phone, I was a little annoyed.

“ Bella! How many times do we have to go through this?” I sighed. “Right, fine, sorry!” I apologized. I did feel a little guilty. “I’m pulling up the laneway now. Be ready!” I muttered into the phone.

She growled lightly. “Bella!” I chuckled. “Bye!” I quickly said, before I snapped my phone shut. I pulled up in front of the house, waiting for her. I parked the car, and was about to get out and go inside to get her, when I got a vision.


A female vampire with curly strawberry blonde hair with golden eyes was talking with Edward; she had her hand on his shoulder. I couldn’t see his face though.

“Edward!” She whined. “I love you! Why won’t you take me? It’s because of that Bella girl isn’t it? I can get rid of her!” She smiled. I heard Edward growl, before he sighed. “Tanya,” He muttered. “I don’t feel the same way about you, and you will certainly not! Bella and I are getting married, what do you not get about that? I love her more than anything in the world, more than my own life,”

The female- Tanya looked sad. They were silent for a moment, then it suddenly broke. Edward was about to walk away, but before he did, she grabbed his hand. “Wait!” She practically yelled at him, but before he could do anything she kissed him.


I tried to stay calm, but I couldn’t! My mind, my body started to freak out. How could she do that? Edward said they were our cousins, basically family! Then she goes and kisses him? It all made no sense! What was going on?

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