Chapter 19: Trial me b!tch

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My bad for disappearing.
My excuse: I was walking Marcello's cat.
He has high demands, it takes a while.


April 14
Trial Day.

My fingertips brushed over the Omertà on my preferred arm, the hallway tainted with this...deathly feeling.
As if it's been stared upon by a thousand criminals. This single place held stories my eyes would burn at and today was just another.
Today would be meaningless tomorrow, our story would be but a single memory though one that would determine my entire life. If I failed today, my unwanted career would be over and Damien...well I assume he'd live normally.

Footsteps drew themselves closer and once my eyes alas peered up I saw Damien, suited up with cuffs bearing his hands though despite the officers beside him, his demeanour was certainly in charge. It was an amusing sight one I couldn't help but laugh at.
"How's Jail treating you?" I chuckle.
He shares the same, "I seemed to have dealt with it better than you."
My smirk plummeted at his words, he knew that would affect me.
"Perhaps I'll let you rot in there then." I suggest.

Staring at the two guards behind him, "Uncuff my client." I demand.
"That isn't possible." The larger of the two enlightens me.
I sigh agitated, "My client has the privilege to remain uncuffed as he does not pose a threat so unless you want me to sue the state I suggest you act upon my words." I threaten them.

In an instance, Damien is free saving me from the likes of Marcello and his damn cat.
I hate that damn cat.

"You can leave." I inform the guards and they do so shortly.
"How was that cold, solitary cell of yours?" I question Damien amused.
He scoffs slightly, "Wouldn't you know that feeling."
All too well.
"All these words seem as though you missed me?" He suggests.
"Who wouldn't miss having a fucking knife held to their throat every other day." I roll my eyes.

Noticing the time on my watch, "We have but a few minutes. If you need to freshen up, do it now."
As my sentence comes to a close, I notice the prosecution on the far end of the hallway both the prosecutor and the victims family. "Don't pity them." Damien warns me. "That man deserved what he got. That family has ruined lives you wouldn't imagine."
"Your tone makes it seem like they ruined your life." I raise my eyebrow at him.
He gulps ignoring me, I guess I was right.


We seat ourselves at the judges command and I stare violently at the prosecutor who happens to be a tall man not too older than me though he looked more experienced however I have far too much pride to let myself loose this case.
I'll be leaving with Linguini free tonight at whatever costs. I'll do what I must.

The judge calls on the prosecution first then to us. "May the defence stand and state your name." I turn to Damien initiating for him to speak first.
"Damien Rayne Cortez." He mutters.
"WOOOO Fuck yes. THATS MY BRO!" Marcello cheers in the back, turning around i shoot him the deadliest look and he patiently sits down.
"Represented by Tallia Elara Sy- Asriel."
I can't use my real last name in court. Ouch.

"Mr Cortez, you are being charged with first degree murder of the states most valuable agents." The judge states.
"You got proof?" He mutters and I kick him under the table.

"What do you plead?" She asks reigning in her frustration.
"Not guilty." He mutters.
The prosecutor stands and angles himself to face both us and the jury.
"My client and I are disgusted with the idea of this man remaining free so I'll do what I must to endure justice is served. Tell me Mr Cortez, where were you the night of the murder."

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